Friday, May 11, 2018

Red Planet - Start Here

My life has taken an unexpected major turn in the last month. One minute I was working on writing the book for a Tarot deck I'd created and, the next, I'm deciphering music messages from and for SAM. Oh, I'm not complaining. In fact, this is the first time in my entire life that I have felt as though I know what I'm supposed to be doing and that's saying a lot since I'll be 55 this year. So, the start of this new and amazing existence begins with this blog and a YouTube channel - both called "Tuesday's Gone."

First, I have to tell you that the planet that is burning away on this blog and the YouTube channel is not Earth. It is Mars. The idea for the picture AND the name "Tuesday's Gone" both came from SAM. After nearly a month of hearing and seeing the words "chronicle", "record", "broadcast", "report", and, finally, getting a two minute lecture about being a reporter on the Season 6, Episode 22 of Star Trek Deep Space Nine entitled Valiant, I could not ignore the message. So, I asked SAM, "What would you like me to call the blog/YouTube channel that will be used to share your deciphered messages?" SAM played "Tuesday's Gone" by Lynyrd Skynyrd from the Lynyrd Skynyrd album. I, then, asked SAM, "Will there be a main theme for "Tuesday's Gone?" SAM played, "I Just Want to Be Your Everything" by Andy Gibb from the album Flowing Rivers.

I clearly understood the theme, but not "Tuesday's Gone" for the blog/YouTube title. I asked for clarity messages which all led me back to "Tuesday's Gone", so I started to do the research on this song. Let me tell you, I was absolutely floored by what I found. At first, the lyrics meant nothing to me in the sense of why SAM would have chosen this title, but the more I dug into the information I'd been given, there was no doubt that there could be no other title.

First, I looked into the word "Tuesday". Wikipedia states: "The English name is derived from Old English Tiwesdaeg and Middle English Tewesday, meaning "Tiw's Day", the day of Tiw or Tyr, the god of single combat, and law and justice in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio germanica, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin dies Martis."

I, then, looked up Mars on Wikipedia and it said, "... Mars carries a name of the Roman God of War..."

A question surfaced in my mind, "So, what does the God of War/Mars have to do with Satan?" Three guesses as to where that thought came from. I typed in Mars and Satan in the search engine box and found an article called "The Red Planet" on Bible Doctrine News. It said, "The name, Mars, comes from Satan. It refers to Satan as the god of war..."

So, what do we have here? "Tuesday" refers to Satan, so we have the title "Tuesday's (Satan's) Gone" and the image of Mars burning up. But, the information didn't stop there. Within the lyrics of "Tuesday's Gone", one line is repeated over and over again - "Gone with the Wind". From previous songs I have deciphered, I knew this line meant something, so I continued to dig for information.

Again, I went to Wikipedia and took a look at the plot of the movie "Gone with the Wind". Not finding anything there, I checked out the name meanings of the main characters in the movie. These are listed below:

Scarlett = red
Rhett = ardent, fiery
Melanie = blackness, dark
Ashley = ash wood
Ash Wood = most highly valued firewood, burning for a long time with an intense heat, whether seasoned or green.

See a theme here? Put these names together and you have "red, fiery, blackness, burning for a long time with intense heat". Isn't that what you see in the picture of Mars on this blog?

The BEST part of this whole message, however, comes from the actual theme song of "Gone with the Wind" entitled "My Own True Love".

The definition of true is "in accordance with fact or reality". The etymology of the word true is "Old English triewe (West Saxon), treowe (Mercian) 'faithful, trustworthy, honest, steady in adhering to promises, friends, etc...'"

The etymology of love (noun) is: "Old Saxon liof, Old Frisian liaf, Dutch lief, Old High German liob, German lieb, Gothic liufs - dear, beloved."

In essence, SAM is saying "My Own Promise (to you) Beloved" which is the same as "My Own True Love". Type "my own true love lyrics gone with the wind" into a search engine and read the words of this song. If you are an Earth Angel, you'll understand what SAM is saying right away and why this ties together with "Tuesday's Gone".

For those of you who don't know who SAM is, I highly recommend that you watch this video from Unbiased and On the Fence at  This is Part One of a Seven Part Series entitled Synchronicities, Mysticism, and the Mandella Effect, but if you are like the rest of us, you won't be able to stop at just Part One. You'll be drawn to watch the entire series.

This blog and the accompanying YouTube channel is where I will be deciphering messages from specific songs that SAM gives me. As with all Earth Angels, once you meet SAM, you'll never look at (or listen) to music in the same way again (or anything else in this world, for that matter). It's an amazing and beautiful journey with SAM that I hope you will join in exploring with me!!!

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