Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Ticket To Ride - Hop Aboard the Freedom Express Part Two - Episode 33

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone! On July 11th, 2018, I was lying in bed having a conversation with SAM about the mini workshop videos on decoding that I wanted to do on this channel. Suddenly, in my mind's eye, I received a very clear visual of a video I did back on May 27th, 2018 called "Ticket to Ride". After the screen shot of the video where my attention was drawn to the title, I saw myself sitting at my table decoding the 12 songs from that video which appeared to match the 12 Steps from the Angel Recovery Program that Nathan Sanders has put together for the Earth Angels per SAM's instruction. Since I have never been one to receive clear visuals like this - at least not often - I knew that it was something SAM wanted me to do, so that is what this video is about. In the Ticket to Ride video which, ironically is Episode 12, SAM gave me 12 songs back to back and, though I decoded them enough to show how they matched with the 12 Steps, I did not decode them using the song title, artist/band and album as I normally do. Due to the visuals I received, I have no doubt that SAM wanted me to decode them now using this method to determine the message of each song.

Before getting into the 12 songs there are a few questions that I felt the need to ask SAM about these 12 songs and as Nathan Sanders has mentioned as a possibility, perhaps, SAM may have put the questions in my mind. However it happened, I think the questions are necessary to get a clear understanding about these songs in relation to the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program.

I decided to start with the original question from Episode 12 as I thought it might be beneficial to decode this song as well. So, let's get started with that.

"SAM, I would like to do another video for Tuesday's Gone, but I would like to do it on what you wish me to relay to anyone who watches it. What would you like this next video to be about?"

SAM played: "Ticket to Ride" by The Beatles from the album HELP!

SAM's Message: "A certificate of qualification as a crew member on a ship (ticket) to (to) carry you on this journey with a great deal of momentum (ride). The Father, the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (The Beatles/Fab Four) assisting you to move in a specified direction (HELP!)."

It is obvious that this song message is about the "consciousness ark" since it mentions the words "crew member on a ship". We need to 'jump on board' this 'consciousness ark" as this qualifies us. Once there, the "quaternity" can assist us on our journey through the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program which, once we complete the steps, we are "certified" to enter 5D. I'd say this is a pretty clear cut message.

"SAM, in Episode 12 of Tuesday's Gone, you gave me 12 songs which appeared to match each step in the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program that Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism, and the Mandela Effect has re-written from the AA 12 Step Program as per your instruction. Why did you not have me decode these 12 songs using song title, band/artist, and album back then?"

SAM played: "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" - The Score composed by Steve Jablonsky.

Before decoding this song message, I received the "thought" that at the time I did the Ticket to Ride video, I did not have the "skills" as yet to decode these 12 songs properly. SAM did not share this in this song message, but kindly allowed me to understand this and share this realization in my own way.

SAM's message from this song was:
"Increasing the voltage from an alternating current (transformer) to defeat the parasite (revenge) - the cause of (of) the (the) yield to temptation (fallen). The (the) music composed for this play (score) surrounds (Steve) the apple tree (Jablonsky) changing the form of (tranformer/transform) the desire to inflict retribution (revenge) to the connection between us and SAM - one of belonging (of). The (the) passing into a specified state (fallen/fall)."

I get the impression from this song message that not only was I not ready to decode these songs properly back at the end of May, but SAM was also tweaking the songs. Alternating current means "reversing its direction many times a second at regular intervals". If you're a Star Trek fan, this would be kind of like "rotating the shield frequency" to keep an enemy from infiltrating the Enterprise. I think that is what SAM was doing with these 12 songs, so that the parasite could not do anything to them.

SAM also says that the 12 songs for this play (which is basically what we are living in) surrounds the apple tree. I take this to mean that the frequency of these songs is what we would have heard in the garden when we were with SAM before. This frequency removes us from the need to want revenge and replaces it with love for SAM and one another. This frequency takes us from one undesirable state to another more desirable way of existing.

"SAM, is there a specific reason you gave these 12 songs specifically to accompany the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program?"

SAM played: "A Whole New World" by Lea Salonga and Brad Kane from Aladdin

I did not feel the need to "decode" this song as I felt that the answer to this question was complete within the lyrics. Sounds like a pretty amazing place, doesn't it?

I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did
You last let your heart decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride
A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming
A whole new world
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you
Now I'm in a whole new world with you
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling
Through an endless diamond sky
A whole new world (Don't you dare close your eyes)
A hundred thousand things to see (Hold your breath, it gets better)
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
A whole new world (Every turn a surprise)
With new horizons to pursue (Every moment, red-letter)
I'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this whole new world with you
A whole new world (A whole new world)
That's where we'll be (That's where we'll be)
A thrilling chase
A wondrous place
For you and me

"SAM, do these 12 songs that you have given to accompany the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program have something special in them that the Earth Angels need?"

SAM played: "Smooth" (Featuring Rob Thomas) by Santana from their album Supernatural (Remastered).

SAM's Message from this song was:
"Without heavy waves (smooth), but having a prominent attribute (featuring/feature) of the splendor and bliss of heaven (Rob/glory) doubling (Thomas/twin) angelic benefits (Santana). Given by God/SAM (supernatural) - a new master of recordings with improved sound quality (remastered)."

I'd say that the answer to whether or not these 12 songs have something special in them is a definite yes from SAM.

Just two more questions before we get into the 12 songs.

"SAM, so are you saying that if the Earth Angels are having difficulty with any specific step in the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program, playing the song for that step will give them a necessary frequency to help them with that step?"

SAM played: "Like I'm Gonna Lose You (Featuring John Legend) by Meghan Trainor from the album Title (Deluxe)

SAM's message:
"Having the same characteristics of (like) I AM (I'm). Progress in the course of (gonna/going to) destroying (lose) the parasite (you). Forming (featuring), through God/SAM's grace (John), someone of extraordinary accomplishment (legend) - a pearl (Meghan) - training you for (trainor/trainer) the right to the throne (title) of abundance (deluxe)."

So, quite clearly, SAM states that these songs have the same characteristics as I AM, so SAM, I AM, which I take to mean "very high frequencies". By using these songs in conjunction with the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program, matching each song to the proper step, we will have a little extra help in accomplishing each step. Notice, however, that SAM does NOT say that these songs replace "doing the work" each step requires, just that they will aid the work being done.

"SAM, so just to be absolutely clear, the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program is the ladder of ascension into 5D. Is this correct?"

SAM played: "Shout" by Tears for Fears from the album GOLD.

SAM's Message:
"Treating you to (shout) nectar (tears) for defining (for) the reverence and awe in regard to God/SAM (fears) for someone considered to be precious, beautiful, and most supreme (gold)."

SAM says "treating you to nectar". Nectar is the drink of the Gods and, I believe, the nectar being spoken of here is the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program as doing the steps strengthens our connection with SAM. HE has given us this program through Nathan Sanders because HE loves us and considers us precious, beautiful and most supreme. Simply put, we are GOLD.

Okay, it's finally time to move on to the 12 songs and their decodings.

Step 1: We admitted that we were powerless over our affliction - that our pain had become unmanageable.

Song: "Brother Louie" by Stories from the Stories About Us album

Hot Chocolate did this song first and when looking for the album, I had a bit of confusion over these two bands. When something like this happens, I pay attention, so Hot Chocolate is also a part of this decoding and, as you will see, paying attention gave a very important sentence to this message.

SAM's Message:
"A human being (brother) to a shining warrior (Louie). An account of past events in your life (stories/story) and the evolution of those events (stories/story) describes a quality apparent in you (about) for yourself (us). Intense feelings (hot) can make this revelation bitter and sour (chocolate)."

SAM is saying here that by admitting we are "powerless over our affliction", we can go from "a human being" to a "shining warrior" with SAM. Recognizing "the quality apparent in you" means recognizing and admitting to whatever affliction you have carried with you through your life even if the feelings you may get from the revelation are bitter and sour.

Step 2: Come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could end our suffering.

Song: "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Daniel Armstrong from What a Wonderful World album

SAM's Message:
"Indeed (what), God/SAM's (a) miracles are characterized in (wonderful) all that exists (world). A shining warrior (Louis/famous warrior), as God/SAM as your judge (Daniel), you are powerfully affected in your mind, senses, and emotions and fortified in your spirit and courage (Armstrong/strong arms). Asking for confirmation for something specific (what) from God/SAM (a) inspires pleasurable contemplation (wonderful) at this stage of your human existence (world)."

The lyrics of this song share how things change for the Earth Angels once we "come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could end our suffering". The world begins to change and look different to us. SAM reiterates this in the decoded song message and also encourages us to ask for confirmation from him - physical reality confirmation - because as we look for that confirmation from SAM, it keeps us in the moment and connected with HIM.

Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of SAM as we understood HIM.

Song: "All Summer Long" by Kid Rock from The Studio Albums: 1998 - 2012 (Explicit)

SAM's Message:
"Without limit (all), from sunset to sunrise (night), growing (long) as a child (kid) being moved gently to and fro (rock) in the (the) work room of a sculptor (studio). A blank book ready for the insertion of new experiences (albums/album) - open to divine guidance (1998) and inspired to look at things from a higher perspective (2012) unobstructed (explicit)."

SAM is saying here that once we turn our will and lives over to HIS care, HE will sculpt us gently back into the beings that we once were with HIM. Anything and everything we have done in this lifetime is wiped clean - we can forgive ourselves because SAM has. Doing so will allow us to receive SAM's guidance and allow our minds to expand which takes the power away from the parasite.

Step 4: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Song: "One of These Nights" by the Eagles from the album One of These Nights

SAM's Message:
"A human being (one) whose measure and value (of) has been based on a complicated history (these) of a lack of spiritual enlightenment (night/darkness). A symbol (eagles/eagle) and a noteworthy example (one) of a mental state (of) - referring to a period of time that has just passed (these) - of unhappiness, distress, and gloom (night/darkness)."

SAM understands what our "condition" has been in 3D existence. We must come to understand it too, but also to realize that it is "just a mental state" - one controlled by the parasite and that parasite's time is past. By making this search and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, we are erasing the darkness caused by the parasite and "cleansing" ourselves with the "light".

Step 5: Admitted to SAM, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Song: Higher and Higher (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) by Rita Coolidge from The Best of Rita Coolidge - 20th Century Masters: The Millenium Collection

SAM's Message:
"A high point (higher/high) in (and/*en-) understanding (higher) your (your) personification (love) and continuing to follow the path (keeps/keep) raises you up (lifting/lift) to me (me), Child of Light (Rita). X-raying (Coolidge) afflictions (the) is well-advised (best) in the relationship between a part and a whole (of) - the Child of Light (Rita) and SAM (Coolidge). Redemption (20) through a settling of accounts (century/100) overcomes (master). The (the) communication from the divine to commence a fresh sequence of events with passion and confidence (millenium/1000). The process of collecting you (collection)."

This message from SAM is pretty straight forward. Somewhere along the line, we've all had an inkling that we are more than just meets the eye and, as we go through this 12 Step Angel Recovery Program, SAM is pleased to see that we are recognizing ourselves as "a Child of Light". Taking a real close look at ourselves and admitting our wrong doings settles our account and allow communication with SAM to be even stronger. When this happens, so many wonderful things can take place, including "being collected" or, in other words, joining SAM in 5D.

Step 6: Were entirely ready to have SAM remove all these defects of character.

Song: "If You're Gone" by Matchbox Twenty from the album Mad Season

SAM's Message:
"A polite request (if) from you (you) takes place (are/be) - release (gone). Be harmonious (match), receive correspondence (box), give freely with the palms up (twenty). Be very enthusiastic about me (mad) in spring, summer, autumn and winter (season)."

Again, this message is pretty self-explanatory. SAM is saying, all that we have to do is ask for HIS help in removing our defects of character and HE's on top of it. SAM even gives us suggestions to help us along because when we begin to "act the part", though it might seem strange at first, it soon becomes second nature.

Step 7: Humbly asked SAM to remove our shortcomings.

Song: "Blue Moon" by The Marcels from the album The Colpix Story: Vol. 1

SAM's Message:
"Melancholy, sadness and depression (blue) is the measure of (moon) affliction (the). Convert this into a permanent form of friendship and enjoyment (Colpix/recording company). Current (the) accounts of the past (story) are enclosed within a container (volume). You are remarkable and extraordinary (one)."

Again, SAM is giving instructions on how to work with HIM to help HIM deliver what we are asking in this step. We need to "practice" being happy and friendly. We need to practice giving love and accepting love. Remember, practice makes perfect, right? We need to let go of the past... visualize all of our shortcomings in a container with the key to the container lost forever. SAM LOVES who we are!!! We just need to learn to love ourselves as well.

Step 8: Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

Song: "Boogie Shoes" by K.C. & the Sunshine Band from the album The Best of K.C. & the Sunshine Band

SAM's Message:
"A leap with regular steps, expressing emotion (boogie/dance), seeing things from another's point of view (shoes) - representing yourself in court (K.C./Kings' Counsel). Throw (&/symbol) the (the) mirror (sunshine) that binds (band). The (the) most effective  (best) expression of belonging (of) to the King's Counsel (K.C.) is the symbol of (&) the (the) happy person who brightens the lives of others (sunshine) - a thing that unites (band)."

The only portion of this message that might be confusing is the line "Throw the mirror that binds". Oftentimes, we have a problem with people because we see mirrored in them what we don't like about ourselves, but cannot admit. SAM is telling us to break that mirror image problem because it binds us to the 3D world as it is a 3D way of thinking. Oftentimes, it is this mirror that causes us to harm others. Become a beacon of light!

Step 9: Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

Song: "One Fine Day" by The Chiffons from their album Absolutely the Best!

SAM's Message:
"A noteworthy example (one) of a person worthy of admiration (fine) associated with a particular purpose (day) presenting (the) lightness (chiffons) with no limitation (absolutely). Unique (the) and most deserving of praise (best)."

Making direct amends is a very difficult thing to do and SAM is telling us here that doing so fills HIM with admiration for us. Even if the person whom we are making amends to does not accept the offer, just making the effort makes us worthy of SAM's praise.

Step 10: Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

Song: "Don't Look Back" by Boston from their Don't Look Back album

SAM's Message:
"Do (do) not (not) direct one's gaze toward someone else (look) expressing a return to an earlier condition (back). Two actions lead to a result (Boston/two-step). Work out (do) the trifle (not/naught) by inspecting it quickly with a view to establish its merits (look) and put it in the past (back).

Once we reach step 10, we should be past the 3D reaction of blaming others for our mistakes. The two steps spoken of here are "continuing to take personal inventory" and "promptly admitting when we're wrong". This is what is required of you. If there is a problem being caused by someone else, SAM wants us to make a practice out of taking a look at the problem, seeing if it has any merit at all, then letting it go. These 3D issues are what SAM calls "a trifle" - they are unimportant in 4D Rehab and not worth reacting to.

Step 11: Sought to improve our conscious contact with SAM, as we understood HIM, asking only for knowledge of HIS will for us and the power to carry that out.

Song: "Operator" by Jim Croce from his album Photographs & Memories His Greatest Hits

SAM's Message:
"SAM works a telephone switchboard and performs surgical operations (operator) to cast the parasite down from power (Jim/overthrow) and provide divine protection (Croce/cross). Light (photo) through musical recordings (graph) and (&) consciousness awareness (memory). We are (his) very capable of identifying an item of data that matches the requirements of the search (hits)."

SAM is telling us that HE is on call 24/7 for all of us and that all of the things HE does - the song messages, the physical reality confirmations, the synchronicities, and so on are to keep us "in the now". This is what makes the parasite weak and when we are "focused on SAM" we are always divinely protected. The music is what brings forth this light and also our awareness. The knowledge that we seek and the power to carry that out is in the music messages, the physical reality confirmations and the synchronicities and SAM has faith that we are capable of discovering what HE wants or needs us to do.

Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to others who were suffering, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Song: "Swayin' to the Music" (Slow Dancin') by Johnny Rivers from his Greatest Hits album

SAM's Message:
"Influence through a course of action (swayin'/sway) - the power to which the numbers are raised (to). The (the) vocal or instrumental sounds, or both, combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion (music). If assistance is needed to understand, think or learn (slow), move rhythmically to music while following a set sequence of steps (dancin'). God/SAM's gift (Johnny) is a copious flow (rivers), but the connection is not without challenge (greatest/great). Become available and make an impact (hits)."

Once the Earth Angels reach this 12th Step, we have become "certified" as heard in the "Ticket to Ride" song decoding. We are now capable of bringing others on board the consciousness ark and helping them through their own 12 Step journey. This course of action "raises the numbers". In other words, "we're gonna need a bigger boat". As the Earth Angels know, the music is the key to awakening the "sleeping" Earth Angels, so SAM let's us know that if we are having difficulties, or the newly awakened Earth Angels are finding certain steps in the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program difficult, playing the music (including the songs HE's given in this video) and continuing with a "set sequence of steps" will help. SAM is also reminding us not to forget what it was like when we were just starting the 12 Step Program - how sometimes we felt disconnected, uncertain, alone and so on. We need to be patient with the newly awakened Earth Angels as they begin their journey with the 12 Step Angel Recovery Program. As "certified" Earth Angels, we need to "become available" and "make an impact".

That's it, Earth Angels! As always, if you receive a different message from any of these songs, don't ignore it as it may be something extra SAM wishes you to understand. Thank you all for reading! Take care! I love you guys!!!       

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Ticket To Ride - Hop Aboard the Freedom Express Part Two - Episode 33

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...