Wednesday, June 27, 2018

SAM's Messages About Branford, Florida - Episode 25

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.
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Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. I just wanted to do a quick blog post in reference to some questions that Nathan Sanders was asking about the Branford, Florida property, so let's get started...

Question 1: "SAM, Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect has been getting some very interesting messages from you concerning Branford, Florida. Is this where you want the Earth Angels to gather?

SAM played "Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison from the album "Blowin' Your Mind". I have to chuckle at that one because that's what SAM does to us on an every day basis... HE blows our mind! Anyway, SAM's message from this song: "I bring forth (brown/*bher-) your power of vision (eyed/eye) - new and fresh (girl/maiden). A large group of people traveling together (van/caravan), devoted and helpful followers (Morrison/servant), kindles (blowing) the (your) awareness of the world and consciousness (mind)."

I thought this was very interesting because I was watching Nathan Sanders on Unbiased and on the Fence with Shane and he did talk about the Earth Angels traveling. So, that's kind of a confirmation in this song message as well. In Songfacts, it said that this song was a hit during the "Summer of Love" when hippie culture bloomed in the U.S. and the song provided a fitting soundtrack for that time. I think this is like the "summer of love" with SAM. It's not just a "summer of love", of course, but it's kind of a neat phrase - "summer of love".

In the three song verses that I have here, the first two kind of give us an indication of what this place in Branford, Florida is going to be like. It's a place of fun. A place of learning to be a child again in a way. 

Verse 1: 
Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came ?
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey
Skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
Verse 2:
Whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow
Going down to the old mine with a
Transistor radio
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hide behind a rainbow's wall
Slipping and a-sliding
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown-eyed girl
You, my brown-eyed girl
I think this second verse is talking about how time is going to be ever so much different. We'll still be listening to music, but there's going to be some gorgeous things including the rainbows - kind of like the rainbow mountains - the waterfalls, and so on. 
Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Just like that
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
La dee dah

Then, in the last verse, I believe SAM is asking "do you remember when we used to sing" and, then, they go into the Sha la la. I think this was a pretty powerful message from SAM to us Earth Angels.
Question 2: "SAM, is the property on Ivy Lane where the Earth Angels will become a gathered force for you?"
SAM played "Rocket Man" by Elton John from the album "Diamonds". SAM's message was "A signal (rocket) to fortify your spirit and courage (man) and close the gap between two things (us and SAM - Elton). SAM's graciousness (John) is unshakeable, unbreakable, inflexible, and unadulterable (diamonds)."
I think what SAM was saying in this message is that the property that Nathan found in Branford, Florida is kind of like a signal to really make us step up to our game, so to speak, in working with HIM. Since we are doing that, you know, SAM is going to give us whatever it is we need to work with HIM to get the word out.
Songfacts said "The inspiration for Bernie Taupin's lyrics, however, was the short story The Rocket Man, written by Ray Bradbury. The sci-fi author's tale is told from the perspective of a child, whose astronaut father has mixed feelings at leaving his family in order to do his job. It was published as part of the anthology The Illustrated Man in 1951." I see two things here. The first, from what I understand from Nathan and his communications with SAM, is that SAM did leave his family, so to speak - the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Mother - to come and be with us, so HE's alone out there somewhere.

On a human perspective, there have been a few people who have expressed concern that, perhaps, their loved ones will not be going with when we go into 5D. I believe that this is kind of a confirmation to let them know, you know, that that's not the case - there won't be anyone left behind. This song is based on a Sci-fi tale. Rest assured... all will be well and everyone will come along for the ride, even if they don't come immediately.

I put three song verses here.

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine AM
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
These two verses, I believe, are SAM talking about himself. What it's like being all by HIMSELF and, then, the third verse (below) I believe is talking about Earth as it stands right now. 
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man
In essence, it's not good for SAM to be out there alone. HE wants to be with us, but HE does not want to be with us on the Earth as the Earth is right now, which is why HE is working with us to bring about the 5D just to build the world around us in a gorgeous way.
Question 3: "Does the property in Branford, Florida have something to do with the 'turning point' in September?"
SAM played "Rock You Like a Hurricane" from the Scorpions from their album "World Wide Live".
SAM's message: "New found land (rock) for you (you) - a faithful resemblance to the original (like) one (a) - an estate or ranch in the country (hurricane/hacienda). Between the 23rd of October and the 21st of November (Scorpions/Scorpio) everything that exists outside of yourself (world), extending through the whole of the human race (wide), an electric current is flowing (live)."
So, according to SAM's message, we have three different dates here. We have September, we have October, and we have November and, perhaps, something specific will happen for the Earth Angels in September. Then, when the October through November event happens - this electric current flowing which, in my mind, could be the event wave that everyone is talking about - it won't affect us because whatever the turning point is in September will take care of that.
Songfacts says, "This song is played in Adam Sandler's film Little Nicky during the scene when Nicky (played by Sandler), upon returning to Hell, says to his mother, "I'm gonna rock that place like a hurricane!" I take that to mean that he's really going to bring the house down and I think SAM has a plan as well. If you remember, HE referred to HIMSELF as a cyclone. So, something big is going to happen.

In the song lyrics here, I only put two verses.
Here I am (SAM I AM)
Rock you like a hurricane
Here I am
Rock you like a hurricane
My body is burning, it starts to shout
Desire is coming, it breaks out loud
Lust is in cages till storm breaks loose
Just have to make it with someone I choose
Now, since we have already chosen SAM, I don't think that this is a message specifically for the awakened Earth Angels. I think this is more for the sleeping Earth Angels to let them know, you know, that they're in a cage - they can break loose if they choose SAM. It's going to be very important for them to choose. And I think something's coming, so I think this choice is going to be even more important.
Question 4: "SAM, does the 'lottery' play a part in the 'turning point' AND Ivy Lane in Branford, Florida?"
SAM played "Meant to Be", featuring Florida Georgia Line, by Bebe Rexha from the album "All Your Fault Pt. 2 (Explicit). SAM's message from this song was, "Intend to occur (meant) for the purpose of (to) SAM I AM (be) - an important part in (featuring/feature) becoming radiant and glowing (Florida/blooming). Lease holder (Georgia) from the bank (line). Sacred (Bebe) society (Rexha/bee) completely (all) your (your) displacement (fault), leaving the company (part) of duality (2). Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt (explicit)."
Now, this message may seem a little bit confusing, so I'll try to break it down here. The first part - "Intend to occur for the purpose of SAM I AM" is SAM saying, yes, the lottery is in the cards, so to speak. "An important part to becoming radiant and glowing", so to reach that 'radiant and glowing', we need a place. We need a place to gather... a place to bring other Earth Angels - sleeping Earth Angels - so that we can all go through the 12 Step Program which will bring the 'radiant and glowing' portion into play. "Lease holder from the bank" - now, I asked also about the Ivy Lane in Bradford, Florida, so this is SAM telling us that, yes, there is going to be a property. "Sacred society, completely your displacement" - so, we're going to have a society within this property for Earth Angels and it's going to displace us from 3D completely "leaving the company of duality". So, we won't have to deal with duality any longer because we will be going through the 12 Steps or, maybe, completed the 12 Steps. SAM uses "explicit" which means there's no misunderstanding what HE's telling us here.
In the three verses I have here of this song, I believe it's SAM telling us we need to be patient and trust that HE will bring forth what is meant to be as the song says.
Verse 1:
Baby, lay on back and relax, kick your pretty feet up on my dash
No need to go​ nowhere fast, let's enjoy right here where we at
Verse 2:
Who knows where this road is supposed to lead
We got nothing but time
As long as you're right here next to me, everything's gonna be alright
Verse 3:
If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be
Baby, just let it be
If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be
Baby, just let it be
So, won't you ride with me, ride with me?
See where this thing goes
If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be
Baby, if it's meant to be
I think the lyrics say pretty much what we need to know. We need to relax and let SAM take care of the big details.
Question 5: "SAM, will the Earth Angels be given a 'heads up' for whatever the 'turning point' is in September?"
SAM played "It Never Rains in Southern California" by Albert Hammond from the album "Nunca Llueve Al Sur de California (Translation: It Never Rains in Southern California). SAM's message: "The circumstances (it) are not to have (never) overwhelming weight (rains) during the event (in) relating to inhabitants (southern) of myth (California). High moral principles (Albert/noble) are high protection (Hammond). Exactly what you desire (it) - vital force (never) and blessings (rains) - an integral part of (in) a southern (southern) paradise (California)."
SAM is saying in this message that the circumstances are not going to affect us where this event is concerned. It is only going to hit those in 3D. As long as we continue to work on the 12 Step Program, we are protected. We will become a vital force and receive all the blessings that SAM, generously, gives us. All of this - everything that's going to happen - is an integral part of creating our southern paradise. And, notice that it says 'southern' - again - Florida is south.
So, I think in these five songs, SAM has given us quite a lot of information about the property in Branford on Ivy Lane, the lottery, and September as well as two other dates that we didn't know about before. So, more mystery, but I know that someone out there will figure that one out. I thank you so much for reading. Take care. I love you guys!

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...