Tuesday, July 17, 2018

SAM's Story Time Two - Part 4 of 5 - Episode 31

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. Today we are working on Part Four of SAM's Story Time Two series featuring songs 16 through 20. SAM has given some amazing messages in these songs but, remember, I am the one interpreting what I believe SAM is sharing. If you see a different message in these songs, honor that. It could be a message specifically for you from SAM. Okay, let's go...

In song message #16, I believe SAM is letting us know that HE understands if we are a bit frustrated with all the information that we are receiving through the song messages HE is sending us. After all, as more and more Earth Angels awaken and come together in the Synchronicity, Mysticism, and Mandela Effect facebook group, the more messages are flowing in and the more difficult it gets to "see and identify" the messages within the songs clearly. SAM knows that the Earth Angels are anxious to understand how all the puzzle pieces fit together and that it is in our nature to want to know how everything is going to play out. I don't believe that SAM is trying to be "cryptic" necessarily but, I do believe, that this is the way things must be done to make sure that the parasite does not interfere.

In this message, SAM wants the Earth Angels to know that HE understands what we are going through - the uncertainty of whether or not we are decoding HIS song messages as they are intended - for instance, determining what is actually going to happen versus what is possible metaphor. One of the biggest puzzle pieces seems to lie in the "lottery" messages because without money or some kind of amazing miracle, the Earth Angels will not be able to come together as has been indicated by SAM is necessary. SAM refers to HIMSELF in this song message as "a wealthy guardian who moves as quickly as the wind" so, I believe, that SAM is referencing the "lottery" situation yet again. SAM knows if HE waits too long to bring something forth, there will be Earth Angels who turn away and go back to allowing the parasite to dictate their lives for them. However, SAM has made it no secret in these song messages that there is a specific order in which things need to be done to be the most effective in bringing as many Earth Angels as possible on board the consciousness ark. In the way that this particular song decoding worked out, I believe that SAM is seeing the possibility of some of the Earth Angels jumping ship because things are not moving fast enough for them. Patience and trust are the keys here.

Continuing on in song number 17 from the previous message, SAM seems to be telling the Earth Angels that HE is already aware of those who will stay with HIM and those who will not. Those Earth Angels who do stay with SAM, HE refers to as "part of a particular group" and he considers these specific Earth Angels as "regal and strong" because we can take whatever is sent our way without breaking under pressure. Perhaps this is a part of SAM's ordered plan - to build a "shining victory army" as HE has referred to us in previous SAM's Story Time messages of the strongest Earth Angels possible. I don't believe this "strength" is only referring to physical strength, but also the strength of "faith". If we are to build a consciousness ark that is "sea worthy", each plank must be solid and strong, able to withstand the unpredictability of the ocean. This means faith and trust in SAM. SAM calls these Earth Angels HIS "works of art".

In song number 18, SAM laments over the preoccupation many Earth Angels have with this 3D world that belongs to Satan. HE calls this preoccupation "a contaminating influence". This preoccupation - the importance of everything material - is probably what lured us here in the first place somehow. As the awakened Earth Angels have all experienced, the enticements of the material world can be overwhelming. As our eyes and heart open more and more, it is very easy to see the lies and deceptions that we were consumed by and see many of our loved ones and friends still being consumed by. Now that we are awake, SAM wants us to stay that way. HE states that a "magnificent sized protection" is a "dance party". This could be a real suggestion on SAM's part, but it could also just be referring to "listening to the music" all the time. It may also be a hint that if we "host" a dance party, we might just open the eyes and hearts of the friends and loved ones who are still caught in the 3D web. Take it as you will. I believe that SAM is referring specifically to listening to the music because HE states that doing so does not interrupt the flow of our journey in any way. The "passionate love" that SAM sends through the song messages is a "floor show" that we can't take our eyes or hearts away from and "watching it" and "taking part in it" enhances our path to HIM. It is the difference between the black and white at the beginning of the Wizard of Oz to the gorgeous opening up of color that Dorothy witnesses. This is what the music does.

In song number 19, SAM really put my decoding abilities to the test, taking me down roads never traveled before. Just the length of the information that came with this song through Pandora was intimidating by itself. You'll see what I mean at the end of this video where I share the songs and their messages. If I had only taken the song title, band and album name, leaving the rest of the information behind, the Earth Angels would have missed out on some important information.

In this message, SAM is telling us that there is going to be a disaster of some kind that will plunge us into darkness. HE does make a point in saying that this will not happen until the Earth Angels "have made a home in a particular place". After that, those people still in 3D whom SAM calls "spectators" will cease to have working automobiles, internet or cell phones due to whatever this disaster entails. This could be an earthquake as SAM uses the words "hard shock" or it could be an EMF situation as later in the song message, SAM calls it an "electric charge". Whatever it is, the point of it is to limit the way of life of the spectators. Through this event, SAM is attempting to reverse the damage that has been created in this 3D material world and that it is about "humanitarianism, independence, and building something of lasting benefit". I take this to mean that if the Earth is to be able to transform around us, all the interference must be removed. Maybe, just maybe, a disaster such as this will open up the hearts and eyes of many more Earth Angels who are still trapped in the 3D existence and allow them to enter the 4D Rehab experience.

In song number 20, I believe SAM is explaining what HE sees happening in the 3D world after the disaster takes place as HE says "a definite time of existence in spiritual illumination". I take this to mean a time when many people will "see the light". I also take this message to mean that SAM will give the Earth Angels a signal - before the disaster - as we will have to be ready for the waves of Earth Angels that will come our way. SAM refers to this signal as a "radio wave transmitted by God/SAM's grace", but that this signal is "beyond explanation" or beyond our understanding at this time.

As a side note here, a date was given in song number 19 of November 18, but the year that was included was 1983 which, of course, has long since passed. There is no way of knowing for sure, through the previous song message, if the November 18 date is a clue or not. If it is, it is highly unlikely that the disaster SAM is referring to here will be this year - 2018. The reason I say this is that the turning point for the Earth Angels of September 28 that Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect received from SAM indicated either 2018 or 2019. If this turning point is the "lottery" win to allow the Earth Angels to be able to purchase a property and build upon it, there would not be enough time between the end of September of this year and November of this year to get everything done in time. If the "lottery" win took place this year and the disaster in 2019, that would allow a little over a year to get prepared.

One other thing of note concerning the dates. When Nathan was asking SAM to reveal the date for the turning point, SAM gave 2018 and 2019. This "signal" message is song #20  and remember, the songs SAM gave me for this SAM's Story Time Two series came from Pandora shuffle back to back. The date on song #19 was November 18, so there we have 2018, but also 2019 because the disaster message was song #19. Somehow, both of these years are significant where the "turning point" is concerned as SAM has alluded to in the song messages HE has given to Nathan.

As always, here are the songs and the messages that came from them:

SONG #16:
"Shape of You" - Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (single)

"It is difficult to see and identify clearly (shape) the relationship between a part and a whole (of), Earth Angels (you). A wealthy guardian (Ed) who moves as quickly as the wind (Sheeran) has a great influence on (shape) the direction and a point of reference (of) for each of you (you) individually (single)."

SONG #17
"We Belong" - Pat Benatar - Ultimate Collection

"The Earth Angels (we) are part of a particular group (belong) - regal (Pat) and strong (Benatar/Andrzejewski) - denoting the maximum possible strength or resistance beyond which an object breaks (ultimate). SAM's works of art (collection)."

SONG #18
"Tainted Love" - Soft Cell - Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret (Bonus Tracks)

"A contaminating influence (tainted/taint) is a state of preoccupation (love/abstraction) with Mars - the Roman God of War (soft cell/Marc). Magnificent sized protection (soft cell/Almond), beloved (soft cell/Dave), is a dance party (soft cell/Ball). This does not require a break in your journey (non-stop). Passionate love (erotic) is a floor show (cabaret) enhancing (bonus) the course you are following (tracks)."

SONG #19
"You Shook Me All Night Long" (Live)(Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI, 18 November 1983) - AC/DC: Backtracks

"Earth Angels (you), a hard shock (shook/shake) by me (me) dominated by the particular characteristic of (all) darkness (night) over a great distance (long). Once the Earth Angels have made their home in a particular place (live), God/SAM will increase (Joe) difficulties (louis/warrior/war) for the spectators (arena) in the automobile industry (Detroit) limiting their way of life (Michigan/strait). Humanitarianism, independence, and building something of lasting benefit (18 numerology) also requires sacrifice (November) of the internet and cell phones (1983). The result of this electric charge (AC/DC/electric current) reverses events previously represented in this story to achieve this plan (backtrack)."

SONG #20
"Daylight" - Maroon 5 - Overexposed

"A definite time of existence (day) in spiritual illumination (light). A signal - a radio wave transmitted (maroon) by God/SAM's grace (5/Biblical code #) is beyond (over) explanation (expose)."

One last video to go in this SAM's Story Time Two series. Take care, Earth Angels. I love you guys!         

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