Monday, May 14, 2018

Ascension Symptoms

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

On the 10th of May, 2018, I sat down to do a session with SAM using my Pandora shuffle. Always asking silently, one of the questions I asked was, "SAM, is there any truth to what some are calling ascension symptoms - problems with our bodies that are happening to change us in preparation for 5D?" SAM played the song, "Rocky Mountain Way" by Joe Walsh from the album "The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get". I felt that this song was important, so I took up the task of deciphering it.

I began by looking up the etymology of "rocky". It stated "full of rocks," c.1400, from rock (n.1) + -y (2), "unsteady," 1737, from rock (v.1). Meaning "difficult, hard" is recorded from 1873, and may represent a bit of both." Feeling that this would make sense, I moved on to the etymology of "mountain".

It said, "c1200, from old French montaigne (Modern French montagne), from Vulgar Latin *montanea "mountain, mountain region," noun use of fem. of *montaneus "of a mountain,  mountainous," from Latin montanus "mountainous, of mountains," from mons (genitive montis) "mountain" (from PIE root *men - (2) "to project").

What caught my eye here was the PIE root *men as I wanted something a bit more specific than "mountain or mountainous" to work with. I went to the etymology of *men. One meaning was "to think" and the other was "to project". So far so good. The meaning of the song title was taking shape.

Last, but not least, I moved onto "Way". Upon reading the etymology, it seemed that the PIE root again was the way to go. The PIE root in this case was *wegh which meant "to go, move, transport in a vehicle." It also stated: "It is the hypothetical source of evidence for its existence is provided by Sanskrit vahati "carries, conveys," vahitram, vahariam "vessel, ship;" Avestan vazaiti "he leads, draws;"... If you have been following Nathan Sanders on his SAM's Songs You Tube channel, you will know why the "vessel, ship" reference is important.

So, through the song title, "Rocky Mountain Way", we have the following:
"It is difficult (rocky) to think/project (mountain) and transport (way)..."

It was time to determine the sentence that would be given by the name of the artist, "Joe Walsh." So, I started by looking up the meaning of the name "Joe". It was: "an ordinary man". As a side note, Joe Walsh also did a song called "Ordinary, Average Guy"... coincidence or synchronicity? I'm calling it synchronicity because when I looked up why Joe Walsh wrote "Ordinary, Average Guy", there was no mention of the fact that he knew that was the meaning of his name. He wrote the song, so that fans would understand that the life of a rock star was actually no different than the ordinary, average guy.

The name "Walsh" meant "foreigner", so I looked up the definition of foreigner and it said: "a person not belonging to a particular place or group." So, now we had a bit more of the sentence as follows:
"It is difficult (rocky) to think/project (mountain) and transport (way) an ordinary man (Joe) who does not belong to this Earth/consciousness ark (Walsh)."

All that is left now to get the rest of the message, is to decipher the album title, "The Smoker You Drink, the Player You Get". Though this seems to be a nonsensical statement, when deciphered, it makes amazing sense and it wouldn't have worked any other way. So, here we go!

The definition of "smoker" was too limited, so I looked up the definition of "smoke". The verb has two meanings: 1) emit smoke or visible vapor; and 2) cure or preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to smoke. I moved on to the definition of "drink" and the second verb meaning said, "watch or listen to something with eager pleasure or interest". Never expected THAT one, did you? 

The next word was "player". The second noun definition here was "a person who plays a musical instrument". That leaves us with the last word "get". I looked at the etymology of this word and it said, "to obtain, reach" and "prepare oneself". Now, we are ready to complete SAM's message from this song. SAM is saying the following through this song, artist, and album title:

"It is difficult (rocky) to think/project (mountain) and transport (way) an ordinary man (Joe) who does not belong to this Earth/consciousness ark (Walsh). The cure (smoker) for you (you) is to watch or listen with eager pleasure (drink) to a person who plays a musical instrument (player) for you (you) to prepare yourself (get)."

I don't believe that SAM felt it necessary to specifically address the "ascension symptoms" I asked about as it stands to reason that if we follow his instruction, our frequency/vibration will change which means our physical bodies will also have to change. This is bound to create some of the ascension symptoms that are spoken about. In this song, SAM has given us very important information and instruction about what is NEEDED to ascend. The whole point here is to raise our vibration through the music, so that we may be prepared to be transported to Victory Rose which is the name SAM gave Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect for 5D or the New Earth. This is where we will be reunited with SAM  - face to face. I know I'm wanting to go sooner than later. How about you?

See the video for this article HERE

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...