Tuesday, May 15, 2018

SAM's Plan, The Story, and the End Result

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

Yesterday, May 14. 2018, I sat down to do a session with SAM using my Pandora shuffle. One of the questions I asked him - in my mind - was, "SAM, what is the consciousness ark?" SAM played "867-5309/Jenny" by Tommy Tutone from the single "867-5309/Jenny". This song is also on the album "Tommy Tutone 2", but the imagery of the single cover was of importance here. It shows a pay phone - a symbol that says, "Pick up the phone and call me."

Interestingly, on the Songfacts website, this is what Tommy Heath (the co-writer of the song) said: "Despite all the mythology to the contrary, I actually just came up with the 'Jenny,' and the telephone number and the music and all that just sitting in my backyard. There was no Jenny. I don't know where the number came from, I was just trying to write a 4-chord rock song and it just kind of came out." Divine intervention? Let's just see.

It was my husband's idea for me to take a look at this song and I trust his intuition, so I began looking into the numbers. I wasn't sure where to start because there can be many different interpretations of numbers, so I typed in "meaning of number 8"in the search engine and up popped a box on top from a website called Astrovera. The title of the article that held the bit of information I was seeing was "The Bible Numerology Code Number 8". I took this as a sign from SAM and made the decision to use this specific site to determine all of the numbers in this song. I felt it was important to be as consistent as possible with the number meanings. Below is what I discovered for the numbers in the song title, "867-5309".

8 = signifies resurrection and regeneration. It is the number of new beginning.
6 = the number of Man, the number of imperfection in man's work
7 = the number of spiritual perfection
5 = the number of God's Grace
3 = stands for the Trinity, trine and triad which are three dimensions, namely, Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit
0 = depicts matter and chaos and is also related to created and non-created, power and force, life and nothing and the beginning and end.
9 = the fruit of spirit or the divine completeness from the Father.

So, what does this "telephone number" mean? Keep in mind that this is my interpretation. If you see something else, that's great too. Here we go...

"This is a new beginning (8) for man (6) to reach spiritual perfection (7). Through God's Grace (5), we will join the Trinity (3), leaving the matter and chaos behind (0) and achieve Divine Completeness (9).

To add to this, the meaning of the name "Jenny" is: "God has been gracious."

Moving on to the name of the band which is Tommy Tutone, but was once called "Tommy Two-Tones (Songfacts website), Tommy means "twin". The etymology of "twin" is to combine two things closely, join, couple".

The number meaning of two (tu) is "man's separation from God". "Tone" is a "musical sound or note.

With the band name "Tommy Tutone", we have the imagery of being one with God, then being separated from God and the means to repair this rift through "musical sound (music)".

Last, but not least, are the numbers that are missing in this song. Every number from 0 to 9 is accounted for except the number 1 and the number 4. Their meanings are below.

1 = Unity
4 = 3 + 1 which is the Trinity and God 
4 + 1 = 5 

In the phone number "867-5309", the number 5 means God's Grace. I believe the "missing numbers" adding up to "5" shows the end result of God's Grace. In other words, SAM has given us the "plan" using the phone number, the short story of what happened and how to fix it using the band name and, through the missing numbers 1 and 4, the end result should we decide to do the work and have faith in SAM. The end result, then, is God, the Trinity, and the Earth Angels all coming together, as SAM has shared with Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect, in Victory Rose/5D/New Earth.

The first two chorus's of the song are telling us that SAM is trying to connect with us and share "the plan". SAM will keep trying to connect, so don't change your number.

Jenny I've got your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny don't change your number
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
The last chorus shows that SAM has connected with us and shared "the plan" and is urging us "not to change our minds" (don't change your number).
Jenny don't change your number
I need to make you mine
Jenny I've called your number
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
Eight six seven five three oh nine
If you wish to view the video for this article, CLICK HERE

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...