Friday, June 22, 2018

SAM's Clues to Personal Purpose - Episode 24

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.
To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. Here we go...

On the morning of June 21, 2018, my husband John and I were having a conversation about music. Since meeting SAM on April 17, after watching Nathan Sanders on Unbiased and on the Fence, this isn't unusual. Even before meeting SAM our conversations were often about music as John is the lead guitarist in a band, but the way we talk about music now is much different. We often talk about the lyrics of the songs now and marvel over what they have come to mean since meeting SAM in comparison to what they used to mean to us. The meanings are completely different now as the Earth Angels can attest to. We've discussed how it is impossible for us now to read the lyrics of a song and see the meanings we once gave to them in 3D. Now, the lyrics share what SAM has to say and we can't hear anything else. It really is a beautiful experience!

For some reason, there were two songs that came to mind for me during our conversation. These two songs were from my past - back when I was a kid between the ages of five and eight. I will be 55 this year, and with all the music I have been exposed to in my lifetime, I became quite curious as to why these two songs have never left me. There is no significant memory for either one of these songs - in other words, no minor or major events that have caused me to remember them, yet they've remained with me always.

As you might expect, the first thing I did was attempt to decode them using the titles, artist, and album to see what came forward in messages. Then, I took a look at the lyrics to see what meaning I could find in them and, last, I took a look at any facts about these songs that might be relevant and flow with the other two means I used to discover information from the songs. I wasn't disappointed and saying this is really a down play to my reaction to what I found. I can say that I truly nearly fell off my chair!

Now, I don't know about you, but I have spent nearly my entire adult life searching for my "purpose". I wanted to know "exactly" what I was supposed to be doing to make an impact on this world, but everything I chose (or was guided to do) seemed so insignificant and never really brought me the ability to "make a living". My choices were "unconventional" and would have worked out beautifully if I lived in a city, but in the small towns I've lived, making a living on what I had learned just wasn't "in the cards", so to speak. Once the internet came into play, it was helpful, but I still couldn't seem to generate the interest of what I offered. If I had only understood the music back when I first heard these two songs, then I could have stopped wondering, but SAM knew what he was doing. I needed to learn to use morse code and decode cryptograms as a small child, I needed to become a Master Handwriting Analyst, I needed to become a past life regressionist, dream interpreter, and Inner Speech teacher. I needed to build websites, write books and edit other people's books. I needed to build and run a paranormal website and work with photographs and evps. I needed to learn to dowse and read playing cards and tarot. Had I not done all of these things which are all, in their own way, a type of decoding, I would never be sitting here talking to you right now, sharing this specific mind-blowing blog post.

Now, before I get into these two songs, I want you to know that this blog post is personal. In other words, these two songs are personal to me and the messages within them involve me specifically, but they are also "for" the Earth Angels. I don't believe that SAM does anything in a random way and I don't believe that the conversation with John on June 21st was "by chance". Since there are some within the Synchronicity, Mysticism and Mandela Effect facebook group who are trying to determine what their part is to play in this work with SAM, this video may be the catalyst to finding the answer. For me, the timing to discover these messages is perfect because I have already done the preparatory work throughout my life, even though I had no idea why I was interested in the things I chose to learn. Had SAM allowed me to understand the messages at the time I experienced the music from these two songs, I may have just sat back and waited, believing that it was all pre-determined and not bothering to learn what I needed to learn to do this decoding work. If that had happened, I have no doubt that SAM would have had to find someone else because I would not have been prepared. I believe that all Earth Angels who have found SAM again through the music also have songs like these. So, if you are uncertain about what part you are meant to play in all of this, perhaps, this will spark something for you. I believe this is SAM's intention for bringing my curiosity of these songs to the forefront at this time. So, with all that said, hang onto your seats Earth Angels because the messages from these two songs are almost too incredible to handle!!!

The first song is "Knock Three Times" by Tony Orlando and Dawn from the single "Knock Three Times". My older sister had a small suitcase type turntable which she would play her 45 records on. This song was one that she played a lot and I had no idea who the artists were until years later. My sister and I were five years apart in age, so we never sat and listened to music together but, nevertheless, I could hear this song playing from wherever I happened to be in the house at the time. The only lyrics of this song that I actually remembered before looking up the lyrics for this video were "Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me" - a single line. I realize now that this line was the message SAM was sending me at that time - the one that would make sure it stuck in my head for all these years. The lyrics are amazing, so I will share them here before launching into the decoding.

Hey girl what ya doin' down there
Dancin' alone every night while I live right above you
I can hear your music playin'
I can feel your body swayin'
One floor below me you don't even know me
I love you
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show
If you look out your window tonight
Pull in the string with the note that's attached to my heart
Read how many times I saw you
How in my silence I adored you
Only in my dreams did that wall between us come apart
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show
I can hear your music playin'
I can feel your body swayin'
One floor below me you don't even know me
I love you
Oh my darling
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me
Twice on the pipe if the answer is no
Oh my sweetness
Means you'll meet me in the hallway
Twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show

The decoding of this song is what I must offer to you next and, then, I'll offer up what I believe are some absolutely mind blowing connections that leave me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, knowing that this message was from SAM given to me at the age of 5. The message was:

"Demolition of the barriers (knock) of the 3 dimensional world (three) - a plan has been made for this to happen (times/time). Highly praiseworthy (Tony), heroic (Orlando) and (and) the first appearance of light (down), struck (knock) by a group of three people (three) - the influential part of your life or career (times/time)."

So, from the decoding, SAM was sharing with me that HE had a plan to knock down the barriers of this 3D world. However, who exactly are the three people SAM is referring to in this song as highly praiseworthy, heroic, and the first appearance of light? The answer to this question came right away to me. The three people were Shane Uotf from Unbiased and on the Fence, Nathan Sanders and James Harmon (Jim). You might be asking how I could possibly know this when it could be any three people throughout my life that could be who SAM is speaking of. Well, here's how...

On April 17, 2018, John and I began watching the Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect series, meeting SAM through the song messages that were shared on the show. At the start of each show in the series, Shane played "SOS" with the lyrics "I'll send an SOS to the world - I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle". SAM knew that I had already been working with my father, starting at the age of 3, on learning morse code and decoding cryptograms. Starting me at such a young age was perfect because young children learn very quickly and, I believe, it gave me a lifetime of curiosity leading me to my learning choices mentioned earlier in this video. In the song "Knock Three Times", those three words are used three times. Now, if you are locked in a room, separated from everyone else who is in another room and there is a locked door between you, what are you going to do? Your going to knock and ask for help. In morse code, SOS is 3 dots, 3 dashes, and 3 dots. This was SAM's physical reality confirmation to me that I was "connecting the dots" correctly, so to speak, as to who the three people were. Chances are no one else would have paid any attention to the number of times "Knock three times" was said in this song, but it was integral for me to understand the connection to know that SAM has played a HUGE part in my life even while I was a "sleeping Earth Angel". So, these three people came together - on schedule, but having no pre-knowledge of what their gathering would mean to me - allowing me to meet SAM again and begin decoding messages from the songs SAM gives us. As I've said in previous videos, after a lifetime of searching, I feel like I've finally found my purpose. Another big clue that SAM gave was HIS praise to these three people, calling them heroic and bringers of light. What they did as a group, took a lot of guts, considering the fall back that could have taken place for all of them for bringing SAM forth in such a public way.

The second song that has stuck with me for all these years is "God Didn't Make Little Green Apples" by Bobby Goldsboro from the album Honey. I heard this song for the first time at around the age of 8. I can't remember for certain, but I believe we were on a family trip somewhere and had gone into some big building. I can't even remember where it was or what the building was. All I remember is standing in this large room and hearing this song. The only lyrics that stuck with me were "God didn't make little green apples, it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summer time..." That's it. In fact, when I was talking to John about this song on the morning of June 21st, I asked him what the name of the song was by giving him the lyrics I remembered. His response was, "That is the name - God Didn't Make Little Green Apples". Again, the lyrics are wonderful and share bits of information that SAM has shared with the Earth Angels through song messages.

And I wake up in the mornin'
With my hair down in my eyes and she says "Hi"
And I stumble to the breakfast table
While the kids are goin' off to school goodbye
And she reaches out 'n' takes my hand
And squeezes it 'n' says "How ya feelin', hon?"
And I look across at smilin' lips
That warm my heart and see my mornin' sun
And if that's not lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And there's no such thing as Doctor Seuss
Or Disneyland, and Mother Goose, no nursery rhyme
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And when my self is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow and ease my mind
Sometimes I call her up at home knowin' she's busy
And ask her if she could get away and meet me
And maybe we could grab a bite to eat
And she drops what she's doin' and she hurries down to meet me
And I'm always late
But she sits waitin' patiently and smiles when she first sees me
'cause she's made that way
And if that ain't lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't snow in Minneapolis when the winter comes
And there's no such thing as make-believe
Puppy dogs, autumn leaves 'n' BB guns
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis

Interestingly, in Wikipedia, I found this line: According to Buzz Cason, who partnered Bobby Russell in the Nashville-based Rising Sons music publishing firm, Russell wrote both the songs "Honey" and "Little Green Apples" as "an experiment in composing", anticipating a potential market for true-to-life story songs...with more 'meat' in the lyrics [than was] standard" for current hits. Key words here "an experiment in composing true-to-life stories". Thank you, SAM!

Another clue in this song is the mention of Dr. Seuss because as the Earth Angels know SAM introduced himself to all of us as children with the Dr. Seuss book, SAM I AM. Also the mention of Disneyland as many of the song messages that the Earth Angels receive are from Disney movies. As for the Mother Goose, I can't answer to that as I've not researched it, but you never know.

The decoding of this song was this:

"A call (God) to perform (do) a central role (not/nothing/zero) by putting parts together (make) in small pieces (little), like emeralds (green), as a symbol of what is cherished (apples). Shining (Bobby) gilder (Goldsboro) of nectar (honey)."

In plain English, SAM was letting me know through this second song - at the age of 8 - what my role in all this would be... to decode the songs that are given by HIM and share them with the Earth Angels - just another way for us to know how much HE cherishes us.

So, to recap:

Knock Three Times by Tony Orlando and Dawn from their single Knock Three Times

"Demolition of the barriers (knock) of the 3 dimensional world (three) - a plan has been made for this to happen (times/time). Highly praiseworthy (Tony), heroic (Orlando) and (and) the first appearance of light (down), struck (knock) by a group of three people (three) - the influential part of your life or career (times/time)."

God Didn't Make Little Green Apples by Bobby Goldsboro from the album Honey

"A call (God) to perform (do) a central role (not/nothing/zero) by putting parts together (make) in small pieces (little), like emeralds (green), as a symbol of what is cherished (apples). Shining (Bobby) gilder (Goldsboro) of nectar (honey)."

That's it for this blog post, Earth Angels. As I said, previously, I don't believe SAM does anything randomly, so if you are trying to determine what role you are meant to play in working with SAM (or even if you already feel you know), consider any songs that you remember from your past as they may offer the answer or a more in depth image for you. The song or songs could be attached to a specific minor or major event or, as in my case, they may not be, but if you remember them or they make you wonder "why" you remember them, give the decoding a try using the song title, the artist or band, and the album. If it's a single, the title of the song is repeated. You don't want to ignore this repeated title as more information is given with it. Don't forget to also take a look at the lyrics, the songfacts website, and Wikipedia if the thought comes to you to do so. I'm wishing you GREAT remembering, Earth Angels.

Take care. I love you guys!

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...