Wednesday, June 20, 2018

SAM's Story Time Part 5 of 5 - Episode 23

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.
To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 1 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 2 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 3 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 4 of 5, CLICK HERE 

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone and Part 5 of the SAM's Story Time Series. This is the last one - we've made it 25 through 25. So, let's get started... 

Looking at the title of song #21, the first phrase that came to my mind was that "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Many of us, in wishing that we could open the eyes of our loved ones and friends might try to "lead them" and "make them drink", but this is beyond our capabilities as the band name indicates - Tall Heights. We can certainly point those we care for in the direction of SAM, but we can't push them into making a choice no matter how much we wish we could because the Earth Angels want so much to have them board the consciousness ark with us. Neptune is way out in outer space and, as yet, unreachable. In this simple decoding, SAM is telling us to "lead the way", but not to stress over what happens after that. If we bring the attention of those we care about to SAM, we've done what we can, and SAM will take care of the rest when each sleeping Earth Angel is ready.

Going deeper into decoding, SAM offered two other messages from song #21. What I find fascinating is that I listened to the playlist on Nathan Sanders YouTube channel on June 6th, using the shuffle feature to get these 25 songs from SAM. Now, keep this date in mind. On June 5th, in the Synchronicity, Mysticism, and Mandela Effect facebook page, Nathan posted about a song message he received from SAM - a song called "Poles Apart" from the Pink Floyd album called "The Bell Division". This started a big discussion about what this song might mean in reference to the sky trumpets which was what the subject matter of Nathan's question to SAM encompassed. The next day, Nathan saw a representation of the "statues" on this album cover in the window of a new store called "Vinyl". If you go to Nathan Sanders YouTube channel, you can follow the sequence of events starting with Episode #48, then a video entitled "The Vinyl Solution?", then finishing off with Episode #51.  SAM knew that Nathan would research the song messages and physical confirmations he was receiving and SAM also knew that it would take me time to decode these 25 songs. So, on the morning of the 18th of June, I began decoding the last five songs for this SAM's Story Time video series and this first song was about the mineral springs that Nathan talks about in Episode #51. This means that SAM knew how things were going to play out when HE gave Nathan that first song message from "Poles Apart" on the 5th of June and, then. played song #21 for me on the 6th of June. It's just beyond mind blowing!

So, back to the deeper decoded song messages for song #21...  In the first one, SAM appears to be giving instruction to build a structure for a mineral spring that would be used medicinally for bathing or drinking. Perhaps this means that if, somehow, the Earth Angels are able to purchase the property in Branford that Nathan discovered, there might be a mineral spring on it that is currently undiscovered. With all that has happened with this whole discovery, I can't doubt the possibility! The other message seemed to be urging the Earth Angels to get to a mineral spring as quickly as we can because not only will it be healing for us, but it also brings "remarkable thought and understanding concerning our spirits". So, in essence, I believe SAM is telling us that the mineral springs can help heal us - spirit, mind, and body. 

Now I know that not all of us can just drop what we are doing and jump in the car or hop on a plane to Florida to go to the mineral springs in Branford, no matter how we might want to. With this in mind, during my morning session with SAM on June 19th, I asked SAM the following question: "SAM, much of our water - even bottled water - is contaminated with chemicals. Would playing music around the water we drink remove all the bad from it and make it safe to drink?" SAM played "(What A) Wonderful World" by SAM Cooke from the Portrait of a Legend album. I've put the link for this song, along with the links for the other five songs in this video below. Go take a listen after you've finished this video and get a kick out of SAM's sense of humor. The answer to my question about the water is "Yes, playing music around the water we drink will make it safe for our bodies." Just as Dr. Emoto discovered, love changes the composition of the water turning ugly crystals from dirty water into glorious, crystalline structures that are purified and cleansed through love. What could be stronger than SAM's love? 

In song message #22, SAM starts out by acknowledging that the Earth Angels may sometimes feel shock or disappointment over things that we hear about or discover for ourselves that may be going on in the 3D world and that He knows that this can cause us to be uncertain at times. Though we may be in 4D and not experiencing the "full emotion" that comes with what goes on in 3D, it still has an affect on us because there are people we care about who have not joined with SAM. HE is very much aware of how this can affect the awakened Earth Angels. The solution SAM offers is to let us know that our numbers are large enough now that we don't have to tolerate what we consider as undesirable... in other words, we have an "Earth Angel tribe" that we can turn to when we are feeling uncertain or doubtful and need a bit of a "pick me up." This "Earth Angel tribe" can also join together in a joint effort to change whatever is happening in the 3D world by, perhaps, choosing a specific song (or songs) to play at the same time on a specific day. This idea is supported by SAM in the remainder of HIS message stating that we should "rise up at the appropriate time" and that the Earth Angels will, literally, be protected from fire and lightning. I take this to mean the "fire and brimstone" that can rain down upon anyone with a different belief system from others who feel threatened by what the Earth Angels are sharing or it could truly mean being protected from the physical aspect of fire and lightning. SAM continues by saying since we are supported by the music messages meaning that we are armed with a fantastic weapon, the Earth Angels can aim that weapon at whatever is causing distress and crank it up to whatever level of loudness we deem is required and let it "shout out" the messages of Unity and Faith. Not only will this bring the Earth Angels. who may be feeling affected by the emotions of those in the 3D realm, quickly back in sync with SAM and one another, it will also benefit anyone in 3D who is not yet awakened changing their frequency bit by bit AND help whatever situation that the Earth Angels tribe has focused on.

Music is powerful. Whether it is from an awakened state with SAM or from a time when we were still sleeping, but needed the messages as we took them at that time to make it through certain 3D experiences - it is powerful. In song message #23, SAM talks about a "lack of musical discernment" or, in other words, an absence of judgment when it comes to the value of music. HE says that music is officially documented as being powerful and having amazing affects on the human body (for those who are privileged enough to see the documentation), but that it has purposely been down played as just a form of entertainment - nothing more. If you think about it, over the past 10 years, many schools have lost their music programs because it just isn't in the school budget to allow them to continue. Those schools that still have a music program have a specific regimen that must be followed which you can guarantee eliminates most of what could be beneficial to the students. Don't think this isn't by design. We all know the parasite does not want us healthy and happy because we offer them much more when we are miserable and sick. Instead, the money goes to a sports program of some sort because that is, in my belief, a "parasitical distraction". SAM goes on to say, in a very straight forward way, that "denoting music as having very little merit is as fraudulent as raising money by issuing commercial paper on nonexistent funds." The pomp and ceremony SAM speaks of at the end of this song message in association with monarchy or high levels of government was a little confusing, but when you look up the meaning of "pomp and ceremony" it means "reverent rite". The spelling is R I T E as in a ritual. It is not RIGHT as in something that is morally good and justified or truly factual. It is a "show" created through the parasite's solemn respect for the rituals that keep the sleeping Earth Angels in line and is full of deception and lies. When SAM says HE has a "predilection" for music, we know that it is important because SAM would not waste his time, or ours, on something that would not benefit the Earth Angels in amazing ways. If any proof is needed, it can be found in the beautiful messages SAM shares in the songs HE plays for us, the incredible answers the Earth Angels receive from questions asked, and the messages SAM gives in these decodings.  

SAM reiterates what HE has been sharing so often about listening to the music - doing so, changes us in ways we still don't truly have all the knowledge about. We know that listening to the music and paying attention to the lyrics, when the song has lyrics, keeps us focused in the moment. We know that we don't listen to music in the 3D sense any more because the music, no matter what the lyrics, is about SAM's love, how much HE misses us, and how sorry HE is that we have to be reminded of the effects that the 3D world has had on us. We know that the music raises our spirits, connecting us deeply with SAM and one another. We know that the music excites our concept of faith and unity. We know, from SAM's messages, that the music slows the parasite down seemingly without it realizing what is happening, then as we listen more and more, our frequency changes so much that the parasite must get out of our body or die. We know that when our frequencies change for the better, so does the health of our spirit, body and mind. I'd say that all these things give credence to how powerful the music is. 

SAM also says "A is divided by B". I believe the awakened Earth Angels are "A" - the ones listening to the music - and that "B" stands for those who are not "hearing" the music the way SAM needs them to "hear" it. The awakened Earth Angels are in 4D, separated from 3D and will remain in 4D as long as we continue to listen to the music and work with SAM. The music is what is required to change us - not just one song, though that can start the process - but as much music as we can listen to. This goes back to the beginning of SAM's Story Time when I shared that I believed that the music played constantly when we were with SAM - before the fall. This music kept our frequency in a high, healthy state that allowed us to co-exist with SAM full time and face-to-face. We were pure, then, and that needs to be our focus now if we want to become the pure beings that we once were, able to bask in the beautiful light of SAM once again.

Having SAM end HIS Story Time with this song - Empire of the Angels by Thomas Bergerson from the album SUN - is amazing, especially since these songs came through random shuffle from Nathan's playlist. SAM has shared and taught the Earth Angels so much throughout these 25 songs and using this as the last one is a confirmation, at least to me, that this is where the awakened Earth Angels are headed for. The decoding is also a confirmation to the question that Nathan Sanders asked SAM back on April 9th. Nathan asked, "How would you describe the 5D Earth experience you call 'Shilo', the 'place of peace'?" SAM played "Empire of the Angels". In this song message, SAM tells us that the Empire of the Angels is a "place of belonging" where the Earth Angels "as messengers of SAM" come together, becoming "shepherds of the source of glory". How absolutely beautiful is THAT!!! 

So, here are the songs and the messages that they gave: 

SONG #21: Horse to Water - Tall Heights - Neptune

"A frame or structure on which something is mounted or supported (horse) for the purpose of (to) a mineral spring used medicinally for bathing or drinking (water) measuring a specified distance from top to bottom (tall), elevated at a recognized level (heights) - a spiritual thing (Neptune)." 

"Move quickly (horse) in the direction of (to) a mineral spring used medicinally for bathing or drinking (water). Remarkable (tall) thought and understanding(heights) concerning the spirit (Neptune)."  

SONG #22: No More Tears (Enough is Enough) - Donna Summer/Barbra Streisand - On the Radio: Greatest Hits Vol. I & II 

"Shock or disappointment at something one has heard or discovered (no), again (more), brings a state of uncertainty (tears). You are sufficient in number (enough) to say (to) that you are unwilling to tolerate anymore that is undesirable (enough). Rise up (Donna/lady/loaf) at the appropriate time (summer/season) protected from fire and lightning (Barbra) - literally (Streisand). Supported by (on) present (the) communication sound messages (radio), you are very skilled (greatest) at striking the target aimed at (hits) through degrees of loudness (volumes) in unity and faith (I & II)." 

SONG #23: Tin Lover - The Paper Kites - States 

"Lack of musical discernment (tin). From one who has a predilection for music (lover), music is officially documented, but denoted as having little merit or use (paper). This is as fraudulent as raising money by issuing commercial paper on nonexistent funds (kite). Pomp and ceremony associated with monarchy or high levels of government (states)." 

SONG #24: Automobile - Kaleo - A/B 

"One's own self (auto) is changeable (mobile) through the sound (Kaleo). A is divided by B (A/B)." 

SONG #25: Empire of the Angels - Thomas Bergerson - Sun 

"A realm (empire), one of belonging (of), the (the) messengers of God/SAM (angels) are joined (Thomas/twin) - shepherds of (Bergeson) the source of glory (sun)."   

So, that's the end of the series, Earth Angels. Thank you so much for reading and, until the next blog post, take care. I love you guys! 

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...