Thursday, June 28, 2018

SAM's Story Time Two - Part 1 of 5 - Episode 28

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels.Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. As many of you know, back on June 12, 2018, I began a five part series called "SAM's Story Time" using five songs per episode for a total of 25 songs. The songs used for these five parts came from a YouTube playlist provided by Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect from songs that SAM has sent him in answer to specific questions.

This series is SAM's Story Time Two. It is another five part series with five songs per part but, this time, I have used my Pandora shuffle to get these 25 songs. Since I, personally, use Pandora shuffle when doing a session with SAM, I wanted to see what kind of messages SAM would give with these songs as well. Keep in mind that what is shared in these blog posts is my interpretation of the songs that SAM has given, but you may see something different - go with your gut because there might be a direct message in a particular song or songs meant specifically for you. This is why I also share the decoded messages at the end of these posts. As before, I've color coded the paragraphs to match the decoded messages, so you know what paragraphs belong to what messages.

The first five songs have been decoded and we're off and running! 

As the Earth Angels know, SAM has told us that HE will provide whatever is needed for the Earth Angels to do their work for HIM. At the current time, our understanding from SAM's messages are that the Earth Angels will be gathering together in a specific place to work, individually and together, on the 12 Step Program and that a "lottery win" is in the picture as well. Many have speculated that this "lottery win" is a metaphor, but as more and more information is revealed, it seems to be leaning more toward a physical "win". Though the Earth Angels are anxious to get things rolling, SAM tells us that there is an ordered sequence to his plan and that HE has each "step" in the plan covered "up to and including a particular point" which I believe may be referring to the September 'turning point' in either 2018 or 2019. This, of course, is speculation on my part as there may be another "particular point" or event that SAM is referring to in this song message, but since HE also mentioned that HE assumes this is now common knowledge, this is my guess. Of course, SAM's mentioning "up to and including a particular point" does not mean that the Earth Angels will be left on their own after that. I believe it just means that is all SAM is revealing at this time. There is only so much our human brains can take in.

As SAM shares, each "step" the Earth Angels take in doing work, individually and together - actively attempting to share SAM's messages - gradually ascends us. This is our reward. This gradual ascension happens in large waves HE says. My thinking on this is, since the Earth Angels are a collective, when one Earth Angel does something, then we are all rewarded. If all Earth Angels are doing something specific to get SAM's messages out there then, again, all of us are rewarded. SAM specifically mentions "defensive earthworks" in this song which gives the indication that part of the work the Earth Angels must do is in protection of the Earth itself. Perhaps part of this is being as "green" as possible, picking up litter when we see it, planting beautiful things - in essence, whatever you feel called to do for the Earth. SAM is not giving any particular job to any one person. Each Earth Angel knows where they excel and this comes from "doing what you LOVE". Of course, no matter what we are doing, continuing to listen to the music needs to be a priority. 

SAM is also letting us know that "he gets around". Not only does HE give us messages concerning ethereal information like ascension, but also messages concerning the 3D earth situation. SAM says that the important information HE gives is "unofficial" which, to me, just means "out of the main stream". Circulating whatever we learn from SAM from music, physical reality confirmations, dreams, etc. is very important. THAT's the information that's really important to what the Earth Angels need to know. 

It seems the main "goal" of the Earth Angels is to become a "vital, unifying force" voicing, in whatever manner feels true to us individually, our knowledge that the 3D world is one of enslavement. This could be singing out loud everywhere we go if you are gifted in this way. It could mean a YouTube channel. If you have the "gift of gab" and are able to enthrall whomever you are speaking with, then it could mean talking about whatever you feel others might be interested in hearing about SAM every chance you get. If you are a storyteller, able to weave amazing stories together in an entertaining way, this might be your calling. If you play music in public, it might be doing songs from song messages that SAM has sent to the Earth Angels. Whatever each Earth Angel does, we become warriors - that vital, unifying force against slavery. We become one heart beating with SAM's - a specific vibration needed to open the eyes of the sleeping Earth Angels. 

As awakened Earth Angels can attest to, the music is different now than what we knew as sleeping Earth Angels. Every song has a specific message to us from SAM as well as an encoded frequency that aids in transforming us in whatever way we are transforming. Whatever this frequency is, I believe, it makes sure that we don't go back "to sleep" again and allows us to see "the truth" around us, especially when we are listening to the music. As SAM says in this song message, "The music no longer conceals or misrepresents the truth." I take this to mean as long as we are listening to the music, even if we don't necessarily understand "exactly" what the lyrics mean, the frequency is there that let's us know that we are "hearing" and "seeing" only truth now. The more that each of us listens to music, the stronger this frequency becomes and the more connected we become to SAM and to one another - the consciousness singularity. I also believe it allows us to understand subject matter that we may not have understood before. In other words, opening us up to "universal knowledge" slowly, but surely.

SAM continues on with this theme in this third song message, explaining what HE has already shared, to some extent, through the song messages given to Nathan Sanders in response to specific questions. The basic fact - SAM writes the songs. SAM states that HE uses authors like Tolkien for instance with the Lord of the Rings, artists like Leonardo DaVinci and album cover art from various artists and, of course, songwriters and musicians to give us clue after clue. SAM is the "unseen" muse to these creative individuals, whispering ideas to them that they create and believe is original material, though there are those who have made comment during interviews that the "song" seemed to write itself or the music just seemed to flow with no effort and so on. All of these creations, SAM says, have a particular quality that, I believe, is an intertwining of information. Perhaps each one with a specific piece of the puzzle and SAM uses these creative individuals not once, but many times, so by paying attention to (for instance) the songs on an entire album rather than just one song, more information is revealed. SAM also reveals that HE has left no stone unturned. Messages are everywhere, so whatever interests Earth Angels may have - reading, watching movies, seeing plays, music videos, games, and so on - SAM has it covered. SOMETHING in these creations will start the awakening process for each and every Earth Angel when it is their time. For the Earth Angels who have already awakened, the puzzle pieces are being revealed through each and every one of us and, I believe, we may nearly have the edge pieces all put together.  

Many of the awakened Earth Angels went through the following scenario, explained shortly, rather quickly. Perhaps because SAM needed, as HE has said, "a first wave" - a group to help other Earth Angels to find their way. In this song message, SAM explains what most awakened Earth Angels went through and what others who are not yet quite awake are experiencing. I believe SAM is doing this, so we don't forget what these "sleeping" Earth Angels are going through. Kind of a quick reminder, I think.

Since the inception of the internet, all Earth Angels are privy to information that was never available before. Eventually, as each Earth Angel comes closer to "their time of awakening", they begin to see through the illusions of the 3D world. They begin to withdraw from main stream information, seeking truth elsewhere and, as stated before, SAM has made sure the clues are everywhere. Once the seed is planted, it begins to grow and each sprout brings the Earth Angel closer to SAM. Suddenly, the Earth Angel is horrified by the events they are discovering wondering why they never noticed before... their eyes are opening. Once this happens, SAM can lead them to "listening to the music", sharing the special frequency needed to open their hearts. After this, a choice must be made. As SAM says... "animosity verses love" - 3D or SAM. 

As awakened Earth Angels know, 3D Earth has nothing to offer. It's a horrifying game of enslavement where the parasite feeds off of our fear. Part of our job is to help other Earth Angels understand that SAM offers us prosperity, spiritual illumination by divine truth and a place of shelter which I take to mean is the 4D rehab location soon to make itself known, then, once we have completed our work with HIM in 4D, shelter will be "home". And, as Nathan Sanders so often says, "SAM has made it easy. All we have to do is keep listening to the music." SAM reiterates this point in the last message of this song. 

I believe, once the Earth Angels awaken, that an urgency is felt and I think the Earth Angels in the Synchronicity, Mysticism, and the Mandela Effect facebook group can agree to this. We begin to come together and share our stories, but we also get the urge to "do" something on an individual basis to contribute something that will help other Earth Angels. In this song message, SAM acknowledges that HE knows each of us has a need to do something and that we may be concerned that we might be missing our specific calling somehow, so HE gives us a clue. SAM says, "Your signature beat is your most precious quality." What SAM is saying here is that you have a "signature beat" - something that you can do better than anyone else, something that you understand better than anyone else, something that you've experienced that no one else has experienced, etc. HE is encouraging you to find "your beat" by looking into what you've done in your life.

From my own personal experience, I think SAM shares with all of us what our individual jobs with HIM will be through the songs that HE plays for us. Shortly after "meeting" SAM, I began decoding the song titles, artist/band and album names using the definitions and etymologies of the words. I was floored by the information that came forth through this decoding! As soon as I began doing this decoding, I began receiving song messages during my personal sessions with SAM with words in the song title or album name or within the lyrics that seemed to be a repeated pattern such as "handwritten", "records", "broadcast", "chronicle", "recording", and so on. These were all things that I had done through my life, so SAM knew that the words would stand out to me and that I would, eventually, understand what SAM wanted me to do. Once I noticed the pattern, I did many sessions with SAM, asking questions until, finally, I felt like I knew what HE wanted me to do. This is how Tuesday's Gone got started. It must have been what SAM was trying to relay to me because I have not had one single song since then, in a personal session with SAM, that has any of those words in them.

So, if you are still searching for what part you are meant to play in this unfolding mystery with SAM, have a session with HIM and ask questions. If you notice any repeating patterns in the songs SAM sends you, reflect on your life to see if there is any correlation. Decode the songs in whatever way you decode them and see what they share with you and remember what SAM said in this song message... "Your signature beat is your most precious quality." 

SAM has also given me the go ahead to help you with decoding if you need it. So, if you are a part of the Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect facebook page, just send me a message if you're called to do so. If you're not a part of this group, consider joining as it is a really awesome group to be a part of! 

So, here are the song messages:  

SONG #1:

"I Heard It Through the Grapevine" - Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through the Grapevine 

"I (I) am aware of (heard/hear) what is needed (it) up to and including a particular point in an ordered sequence (through) assumed as common knowledge (the). The reward of work and activity (grape/fruit) is gradually ascending (vine/climber/climb) in large waves. Defensive earthworks (Marvin/sea fortress), noble ladies and gallant knights (Gaye/gay). I (I) pay attention to (heard/hear) what is happening (it), moving in one side and out the other (through) - the most important (the) circulation of unofficial information (grapevine)."

SONG #2:

"Heartbeat Song" - Kelly Clarkson - Heartbeat Song (Single)

"A vital, unifying force (heartbeat) - giving voice (song) as warriors (Kelly) for the abolition of slavery (Clarkson/Thomas). A single pulsation of the heart (heartbeat). The music (song) no longer conceals or misrepresents the truth (single/deceit)." 

SONG #3:

"Beast of Burden" - The Rolling Stones - Some Girls (Deluxe Edition)

"This concept possesses a particular quality (beast) expressing a relationship between an author, artist, and/or composer and their collective works (of). Leading ideas (burden) with original material (The Rolling Stones). An unspecified amount of (some) virgin (girls/maiden), superior (deluxe) forms of literary work (edition)." 

SONG #4:

"Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)" - Edison Lighthouse - On the Rocks

"Withdrawal from worldly affairs (love/abstraction) germinates and develops (grow) in respect to (where) me (my). Animosity versus love (Rosemary/bitter rose). A change in the level of (goes/go) prosperity (Edison/Eadwig), spiritual illumination by divine truth (light), and a place of shelter (house). Continue (on) the present (the) playing of music (rocks)." 

SONG #5:

"Ooh Baby" - Bo Diddley - Gold

"A range of emotions are expressed (ooh) concerning your particular responsibility (baby). Your signature beat (Bo Diddley) is your most precious quality (gold)." 

That's it for Part 1 of SAM's Story Time Two. Thanks for reading. Take care. I love you guys!  

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