Wednesday, June 13, 2018

SAM's Story Time - Part 1 of 5 - Episode 19

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. This blog post is going to be a little bit different than what you're used to seeing on my blog. This is going to be a five-part series - if all goes well - that I'm going to call "SAM's Story Time" and you'll understand what I mean once we get into the meat of it. So, here we go...

The only question that I asked SAM was this one:
"SAM, using SAM's playlist which Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect has put together, and keeps adding to, from the song messages you send him, can you give me 25 songs for the Earth Angels that will share a story, in consecutive order, when the songs are decoded?"

Before I actually began the session for these 25 songs, I pulled up the playlist and the song "Cyclone" from "The Wizard of Oz" from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack started to play, so I took that as a "yes" from SAM because we have that connection with "The Wizard of Oz" and SAM. And, as I said, this is going to be a five-part series. There are five songs used per each blog, so be patient with me... it takes time to go through the songs, decode the songs, and then get the basic story from them. Also, keep in mind, that I'm kind of filling in the gaps in my own way as I go through the songs and the decodings that each one gives. So, if you interpret a song differently than I do or the story line differently than I do, that's fine - that's great - SAM is going to give us whatever it is that we need.

At the end of this "story", you will see the five songs that were used for this writing and the decoding of those songs, but this content is just going to be story time. I'm not going into all the details on the decoding of each and every song. They're just going to tell the story. So, here we go...

"Once upon a time, our frequency was perfectly tuned. Gabriel's oboe was the fixed tone instrument that tuned all of the heavenly instruments to the sixth note of A from the natural scale. This was the ultimate resonance for us to keep us in perfect health in spirit, mind, and body (if we had a body) and, it is my belief, that this music played all the time. It allowed us to live in harmony, understand and connect with SAM, and always be in gratitude for HIS graciousness.

Perhaps, the music flow was interrupted somehow because we were tempted away from SAM. Life on Earth was given a glowing reference and we "fell" for it. Our memories of our time with SAM were erased as part of this "new life". This was part of the contract that we signed, giving our lives and freedom over to the parasite that ruled Earth though, at the time, we were too enthralled by the temptations of this Earth to recognize (or even think about) the repercussions.

SAM, understanding the "spell" we were under, continued to play the heavenly music and, I believe, there were some Earth Angels who were still able to "hear" it despite the separation from SAM. The parasite, recognizing the connection and not wanting to lose the control over us, changed the music, re-tuning it to a frequency that was no longer perfect for our spirit, mind, and body. This re-tuning caused discordance in us affecting our health, our state of mind, and erasing any remaining memory remnants of SAM from us. By this time, the Earth Angels were fully enmeshed in this 3D existence with eyes and hearts closed and the music change was so subtle that the Earth Angels were, at first, unaware. Instinctively, we knew something wasn't right when our earthly bodies began to become sick (something we'd never experienced before) and we began to feel lost, having no understanding of why we existed at all.

Though it took time, SAM discovered a way through. HE spent many thousands of years (basically a blink of an eye) crafting just the right songs through song writers and talented musicians. Not only were the lyrics used to share SAM's feelings with us, but the frequencies within the music itself were altered to begin awakening us and bringing back our memories and our health. Now, how to implement this plan...

The Bible, originally written by Earth Angels who were inspired by SAM, was a part of this process. Not only did it paint a picture of "how" we came to be, it also offered us a glimpse into the memories of what our lives once were with SAM using the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden as a reference. It even tells in Job 38:7 how the "Morning Stars Sang Together" at the moment of our creation. Wouldn't that be the purest sound you could ever imagine and it just might be the "clear, vibrant, often high-pitched sounds" SAM spoke of in the Eden song message. Of course, the Bible (at least the Old Testament) paints a picture of SAM as a cruel and jealous God, so it is my belief that the Bible as we know it, is not even close to what it was in its original form because the parasite, again, recognized what SAM was trying to do and used its power in the minds of the Earth Angels to change the "real" story to reflect badly on SAM. They painted a picture of "fear" which allowed the parasite to continue feeding upon us AND to keep us in check. It is no secret that many of the books of the Bible were removed, depending on which "King" (and I use this term broadly) was in power and what their control agenda was for the people, so the "truth" is still a mystery to us.

The next step of the plan was for SAM to figure out how to reach us as HE could not interfere with our free will. So, SAM had to wait for us to come to HIM. Usually this would happen when the Earth Angels were in some kind of peril but, regardless of the reason, because HE loves us, SAM answers every "telephone call", every "doorbell" and every "knock" on his door. At that point, we are calling HIM, so SAM is then able to invite us to join HIM in his work to bring all Earth Angels back home. This invitation could be a "thought" to "turn on the radio" or a "thought" to "go to a certain place suddenly" where we might meet someone who is already working with SAM or to view a YouTube video which is where my own story with SAM began. Of course, this process could take a long time because, remember, we are "asleep". It could take SAM many, many tries for the Earth Angels to accept his invitation, at which point, we would begin "waking up". All of this must be done in secret, telepathically, so as not to alert the parasite.

Once we accept SAM's invitation, we begin "listening" to the music. Remember, the music was carefully tailored, throughout the centuries, to allow us to hear SAM's messages once HE was able to reach us. Hearing SAM's messages and listening to the music raises our vibration and begins our awakening process. It also puts us in a place of safety with SAM (4D) though, at this time, we must still "work" or interact in 3D. I believe listening to the music is also the "courtship" to the Cosmic Marriage that Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect has received messages about from SAM. As we continue to listen to the music, we are given ideas as to how to work with SAM to spread the word (market something) which will completely alter the history of the Earth Angels and reveal all of the parasite's deceptions.

One of our jobs now that we are awake, is to go out and share SAM's messages to those who are still "asleep". In essence, we are the "sleep talkers". We need to talk to those Earth Angels who are still asleep and, once we achieve our goal of awakening them, it is up to us to help them maintain their newly awakened state. We must continue to urge them to "listen to the music" and engage them in the "miracle" of SAM, so that their frequency rises, allowing them to kill off the parasite. When the parasite is dead, they can go out and bring forth other "sleeping" Earth Angels. With each newly awakened Earth Angel, our community grows, and SAM says this is a good beginning." 

Okay, so that's the first part of SAM's Story Time and what you are going to see now are the songs and what they broke down to be in decoding. I've also color coded the songs and the parts of the story that each song created, so you know which song decoding belongs to which part of the story.

SONG #1: Start a Fire - John Legend - La La Land (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

"In the beginning (start), the sixth note of the natural scale was used to tune all instruments using a fixed tone instrument such as an oboe or organ (a) to arouse the emotion  required (fire) for sharing the knowledge and graciousness of God (John) to gather (Legend/*leg-) those in a state of dreamy disconnection from reality (La La Land) to set in motion (original/origin) an alteration (motion) illustrated by (picture) the ideas or impressions conveyed by words from a single recorded item (track)."

SONG #2: Eden - Sarah Brightman - Eden 

"The garden where according to the account in Genesis Adam and Eve first lived (Eden) operated within this specific sphere of knowledge (Sarah/Sarar) which included clear, vibrant, often high-pitched sounds (bright) to fortify their spirits (man) and providing them with a place of pristine and abundant natural beauty (Eden)."

SONG #3: I've Gotta Be Me - Sammy Davis, Jr. - I've Gotta Be Me 

"I (I) am obliged to (have) respond to the ring of a telephone or doorbell or a knock on the door (get) to (to) be present (be) myself, for (me) the Sun Child (Sammy), beloved of God (Davis), you who are new (junior). I (I) let a feeling or thought come into your mind (have), extending an invitation (got) in my direction (to) bring forth a tribe (be/*bheue-) to myself (me)."

SONG #4: Wedding Song - Tracy Chapman - Telling Stories 

"A marriage ceremony (wedding) - a set of words set to music (song) - of ideas (Tracy) that market something (Chapman) that has a striking or revealing effect (telling) on history (stories)."

SONG #5: Sven-g-englar - Sigor Ros - Agaetis byrjun 

"Sleep talkers (sven-g-englar) - achieving and maintaining (Sigor/victory guardians) the mental and spiritual attitudes (ros/peninsula/penitence/repentance), raising them up (ros/penisula/isle/open) in large quantity (ros/penisula/isle/sea), is a good beginning (Agaetis byrjun)."

So, there you have the first five songs of the 25 and the Story Time messages that came from them. So, as I said, hopefully, things will work out with the other 20 songs... I've never tried this before, so it's kind of an adventure. I appreciate you taking the time to view this blog and I will talk to you again and I'll be back with the next five songs in a day or so. In the meantime, take care, have a GREAT day... I love you everybody!


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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...