Wednesday, June 13, 2018

SAM's Story Time - Part 2 of 5 - Episode 20

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view this video, CLICK HERE
SAM's Story Time - Part 1 of 5 Blog: CLICK HERE
To view the video for Part 1: CLICK HERE

Hello Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. Today, we are going to do Part Two of the five-part series entitled, "SAM's Story Time", so we will be working with songs six through ten. If you're reading this blog and haven't read Part One, you might want to go and read that one first (or view the video), so you can understand what's going on in here.

Just like the first blog post, I'm going to go ahead and give the story and, then, when the story is complete, you'll see the songs and the decodings. So, let's get started...

SAM remembers being with us, before we were tempted away, and feeling very "favored by fortune" in our company. The time with SAM must have been beyond anything we could possibly comprehend - joyful, loving, and harmonious are the words that come to mind. These words bring forth images of something beautiful (at least as we know beautiful), but I feel they are still very weak in comparison to what it must have truly been like. It is beyond the imagination how wonderful it must have been to cause SAM to work so very hard to create this amazing plan to bring us all back home to HIM. Finally, after what must have been thousands of years (again, a blink of an eye for SAM, yet no less painful) having all the pieces in place, SAM implemented the plan that HE worked so hard to create. SAM is, now, watching it unfold and realizing that the Earth Angels are, again, noticing HIM and recognizing how much HE loves us and that we are realizing what ingenious measures HE has gone through (and is still going through) to penetrate the barriers of the parasite. With great joy, SAM is accepting the love the Earth Angels are returning to HIM, but HE admits that our openness to share with one another and to tell others about HIM is quite foreign. SAM knows that throughout our history on 3D Earth, it has been necessary to hide our beliefs (whatever they were) for fear of persecution, so HE is genuinely pleased that the Earth Angels have no fear and are loving HIM and trusting HIM just as we did before our "fall".

When we were tempted away, SAM realized that HE needed something very powerful to reach the Earth Angels, so SAM focused on the music because it is known as the universal language. Even though the parasite recognized what SAM was doing with the music before, "they" believed that they had remedied the control problem by changing the frequency of the music to one of discordance for us, so I believe that SAM took a chance knowing that the parasite's ego is so strong that "they" wouldn't even consider the music as a way "in" again. So, SAM inspired the song writers and musicians to create music with the frequencies HE needed us to hear. SAM knew that the Earth Angels would listen to the music because doing so is built into us, even if we don't remember. So, by listening to the "new" music inspired by SAM, this would raise our frequency and begin weakening the parasite. If we listened to the music AND danced, our frequency would be raised even more. I say this here because many of the songs the Earth Angels receive from SAM are about dancing. It doesn't mean we have to dance, but SAM left no stone unturned. As we listened to this "inspired" music, the "veil" placed upon our eyes by the parasite began to lift and we no longer were blind to all the illusion that we had been a part of for so long. Once that happened, SAM knew that we would also begin to "really hear" the messages within the songs that HE had inspired the song writers and musicians to create. The Earth Angels would begin to "feel" the love overflowing for us in every word and in every beat, at which time, the parasite would, eventually, no longer have any power over us.

Sharing this part of the plan with us in such depth, I believe that SAM is telling us another way to awaken other Earth Angels and bring them on board the consciousness ark. We, the awakened Earth Angels, SAM called the "sleep talkers", but SAM also knows that there are those Earth Angels who will hold onto the 3D world no matter how bad it gets and, no matter how much we "talk", they will not hear us. So, just by playing music around these "sleeping" Earth Angels, their frequency will begin to change. Then, perhaps, they will be more open to hearing us talk about SAM or they will come to it on their own. I believe this is what SAM means in this song message when HE says, "This platform offers passage through difficult times." SAM does not want us to be discouraged or think that we are not doing "our jobs" if we are unable to get through to someone, so HE has shared this part of the plan as a kind of "back up plan".

SAM understands that the parasite has embedded itself very deeply within us and killing it is no easy task. HE does not expect it to happen over night and neither should we. After all, we've been "human" for a long time and our thoughts have been controlled, conditioned and trained since birth. SAM realizes that we will "fall and rise" in our thoughts about HIM. One day we might be "on top of the world" reveling in the love we hear from SAM through the music. The next day we might really be "down" or feeling disconnected from SAM, though we don't know why. SAM wants us to realize that this is not who we are and that it is the parasite fighting back. We are not to blame for this "rise and fall" in our thoughts. It is, however, our responsibility to recognize what the parasite is doing and to fight it. SAM gives us a choice here. We can become "fixed" by getting sucked back into the false illusions given to us through technology or we can walk away from that and engage ourselves in "virtuous music" - all the music that has beautiful, soaring melodies, music with loving and inspirational words, and music with a beat that makes us want to get up and dance. SAM says this is what will continue to weaken the parasite and will allow us to "fall" in our thoughts less and less every day. Listen to the music!!! One day, we'll realize that loving and believing in SAM takes no effort at all because the parasite is dead and can no longer influence us. 

SAM wants us to know, now that we are awake, how we will perceive those Earth Angels who are still asleep. To us, they may seem absolutely absurd in their thinking, their behavior, and their inability to see the truth. Their words will almost seem garbled as they try to convince us of what they believe is truth from the parasite's illusions. SAM's instructions, should we find ourselves in this kind of predicament, is to find a way to raise our vibration very quickly. First, and foremost, taken from how SAM has been with us, is to remember that we were "asleep" once and to do our best, at that moment, to send out as much love as we possibly can from our hearts. Then, to ensure that we "escape" unscathed, we could crank up the music or think of a song in our heads and move our bodies to it as it plays in our minds or we could call on SAM for assistance if we don't feel we can raise our vibration quickly enough. This is necessary to make sure that if our parasite is not completely gone yet that it will not be able to use anything that a sleeping Earth Angel shares to get any kind of hold on us.

SAM also wants us to remember that there is a wonderful end to all that we are currently going through. HE knows that it's not easy living amongst those who are still locked in 3D, even if we are only observing. It's difficult to watch our loved ones fight so hard to stay in a world that is full of pain and deception. SAM wants us to keep our "eyes on the prize", so to speak. Our very near future is one of wonder - a place our minds cannot even begin to imagine. SAM wants us to know that the plan is in place and that we will know when it's time to go. HE has a "superior production" planned and there is no way that we will be able to miss it. SAM is encouraging us to "stay the course" because the end result will be worth every minute of work we do to get home with HIM.

It is, also, vitally important for the Earth Angels to come together in mind, even if we cannot be together in a physical setting. SAM has told us that HE will keep us safe, but we must help one another in this way as well as we share SAM with those who are still asleep and share our knowledge of what the parasite is doing in the 3D world. The parasite has many tricks up its sleeve and will try to fill our minds with "just causes" and "reasons" why SAM is not who we believe HE is. Together, SAM wants us to hold our faith strong - help one another when we are having the "rise and fall" moments - help one another bring back our memories of when we were previously with SAM and to remember that sometimes, the only response that is needed, are the words, "SAM loves us". And, of course, as Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect reminds us so often as urged by SAM... LISTEN TO THE MUSIC! 

Okay, so that's it for the story for this blog post and the songs that were used are below:

SONG #1: Happy Days Are Here Again - Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand - The Judy Garland Show

"Favored by fortune (happy) in a particular period of the past (days), I am (am/be) attracting attention (here) once more (again) - praised (Judy), crowned in victory (Garland) - yet (and) strangely (Barbra) foreign (Streisand) - that (the) praise (Judy) and prize of distinction (Garland) is visible (show)."

SONG #2: Cecilia - Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water

"The music is the way for the blind (Cecilia) to listen and hear (Simon) and (and) to heal the brain cancer (Garfunkel/parasite). This platform (bridge) offers passage (over) through this difficult time (troubled water)."

SONG #3: Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone - Malena Main Theme

"The repeated fall and rise (yo-yo) brings up (ma/mother) becoming fixed or engaging oneself (plays) in virtuous (Ennio) music (morricone) which is of the greatest (Malena/Magdala) importance (main) to a person's thoughts."

SONG #4: Delirious Escape/Delirious Escape Continued/End Title - The Wizard of Oz - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Deluxe Edition)

"An actively disturbed state of mind results in illness or intoxication and is characterized by restlessness, illusions and incoherence of thought and speech (delirious). To free you from this control (escape), a state of wild excitement or ectasy (delirious) will get you away safely (escape). Persevere in (continue) the destruction of (end) this parasite (title). Earth Angels (the/you) know the future (wizard) - one of belonging (of) to a fantastical place (Oz). A commencement (original/origin), directed by a sign (motion) illustrated by (picture) an audible vibration (sound) is the prepared course (track). Superior (deluxe) production (edition)."

SONG #5: I Can't Go For That - Rumer - Love Is the Answer

"Unify (I) to make known (can) the evil (not/naught) to conquer it (go). In spite of (for) the reason or cause (that ) of the statements or reports currently without authority for their truth (rumer/rumor). The love of God/SAM (love) signifies (is) enough of (the) a response (answer)."

Okay, so that's it for this blog post. So far so good... we have 10 out of 10, so we'll see what happens with the next five. Thank you for reading, take care, love you guys!  

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