Tuesday, July 17, 2018

SAM's Story Time Two - Part 2 of 5 - Episode 29

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels. Today, in Part Two, we're going to cover songs 6 through 10 of this 5 part series called SAM's Story Time 2 and to keep this video as short as possible for you, we're going to get started right away.

If you remember, in the third video of the original series of SAM's Story Time, we did a kind of visualization concerning the property that Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism, and the Mandela Effect found in Branford, Florida. The visualization was not, necessarily, about this specific property, but since Nathan had posted a video about it on the Facebook group after following clues that SAM had given in song messages and physical reality confirmations, using it for the visualization in the video seemed appropriate.

The point of the visualization was to allow each Earth Angel to imagine and visualize a place where the Earth Angels would gather to become a community and work on the 12 Step Angel Recovery program. In song number 6, SAM is sharing how important it is for each of us to visualize this place - this community - on a regular basis. Even if our individual visualizations are not identical, each one of us has something to offer to what we wish to see develop - the kind of Earth Angel community that would seem perfect to each of us. SAM says that each individual visualization creates a "static photo" and that all of these "static photos" can be combined to create "one main song". In other words, one specific place for the Earth Angels. Imagine a jigsaw puzzle, if you will. Each static photo is one piece of the puzzle coming together to create the completed puzzle or the perfect location, having everything that could possibly be needed or wanted as imagined by each Earth Angel. What a fantastic way for SAM to understand everything that is wanted or needed in this special place! SAM is encouraging us to let HIM know exactly what we need to make this Earth Angel retreat perfect for our rehab experience.

SAM has been kind enough in a number of song messages for the Story Time videos to address the concern of money based on questions that Nathan Sanders has specifically asked concerning the lottery. After all, to have a place to commune, the Earth Angels need to have money to purchase a property and, then, to build whatever is needed and to address whatever other expense needs may arise. In this song message, SAM is encouraging us to continue our work from "sunset to sunrise" which, in essence, I take to mean every day, all day, listening to the music, talking to SAM, sharing where we can and with whomever we can. HE just wants to be a part of our lives at all times and doesn't want us to ever feel as though HE is not there. This makes sense because there are times that all of us have felt a bit disconnected from SAM due to, perhaps, the responsibilities we have to deal with in 3D. Even though we are in 4D Rehab, we still have one foot in 3D and SAM is fully aware of this. So, by keeping HIM with us 24/7, we can function as we need to and allow SAM to help us wherever possible. This includes the money previously spoken about. SAM says that "the money is on the list" of things needed for the Earth Angels and, when it comes, it will "unite very skilled people on a successful venture". I'm assuming this means builders, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, etc. who will be needed to create the Earth Angel community gathering place. Perhaps, by the time the money comes, these skilled people will already be a part of the awakened Earth Angel tribe, so all that would be needed would be the property and materials for building. I don't know about you, but I can hardly wait!!! 

In song message number 8, SAM is encouraging us, again, to talk to HIM. Consider SAM like your "best friend". Share with HIM everything as you would a trusted friend - your good feelings, your bad feelings, your plans, your dreams - just everything. By doing this, SAM can perform amazing feats which will strengthen our faith in HIM, strengthen our trust in HIM, and also allow us to believe in ourselves and our part in this special mission, as SAM says, "to produce a different version of Earth by altering the balance" between the parasite and SAM. The physical reality confirmations we receive, sometimes by asking for them and sometimes just because SAM knows what we're thinking of or doing at any given moment, will cause us to react in a specific way which may also start to open the eyes of those around us. It might be just a random comment to a stranger of "did you see that?" Maybe it was a rainbow that only you could see or a specific shape in the clouds, but when the "stranger" responds and says, "Did I see what?" and you say, the rainbow or the "face in the clouds", they might look at you as though you're crazy, but they will also "look". There are so many different ways that SAM can help us to help the sleeping Earth Angels, so in the last line of this song message, SAM says, "A strong, clear connection is cause for celebration." It sure is as it can open up many opportunities to bring more Earth Angels to the consciousness ark and keep all of us awakened Earth Angels on the track that leads only one place - home with SAM! 

In this ninth song, the first two lines of SAM's message say, "Help is given referring to the situations already mentioned in the specified role of the undisguised adaptation of music. This is common knowledge." Since SAM specifically states "the situations already mentioned", I believe SAM is, again, referring to the property and the lottery as these two subjects have been discussed a great deal in the Synchronicity, Mysticism and Mandela Effect Facebook group. For the awakened Earth Angels, this "common knowledge" refers to the fact that we know that SAM "writes the songs", so the information given within the lyrics, these decodings and the song messages and physical reality confirmations that SAM gives to Nathan Sanders are where the answers lie. It's a matter of asking specific questions. Anything the Earth Angels want to know is in the songs. Of course, this also refers to the frequency again too which, as SAM states in the last part of this song message, takes away the threat of the parasite. When we listen to the music, we wake up and, when that happens, the parasite can no longer pull the wool over our eyes. If we keep our frequency high by continuing to listen to the music, there is absolutely nothing the parasite can do to "spoil" our connection with SAM. I believe that SAM reiterates this information often for those awakened Earth Angels who are just coming on board the consciousness ark AND for all of us who have been working with SAM for longer as well because consistent messages are important. SAM understands that we've spent a long time being deceived, so HE understands that each Earth Angel has a process they must go through to reach the level of absolute faith and trust in SAM, so repeating HIMSELF is part of the process. 

In this last song message for Part Two of SAM's Story Time 2 series, SAM refers to, specifically, focusing on the "sleeping Earth Angels". HE calls it a "state of mind in which someone is unaware of their immediate surroundings" which is a very clear statement. As awakened Earth Angels, we know that it is important to be "in the moment" as much as possible, so that we can "see" and "hear" the messages that SAM sends to us. SAM is pleased with the songs HE has written through creative songwriters and musicians, especially since HE sees how wonderfully these "reality tunes", as HE calls them in this message, have been working. I say SAM is pleased because in the last line of this song message, HE refers to the "reality tunes" as "craftsmanship". I think we can all attest to the truth of this word - craftsmanship. SAM is an incredible writer and it's not been just the songs, but movies, books, games, signs, logos, etc. The messages are everywhere! SAM has made them as public as HE can and is now asking the Earth Angels to do the same. Again, if you are worried about family members or friends reacting to your work with SAM, it isn't necessary to try to convince them of anything. Just play the music as often as possible around them. This will raise their frequency, opening up their minds a bit, so they might at least be open enough to hear what you would like to share with them. The music is "magic" and SAM is magic! HE's got us covered! What more could I possibly say? 

The songs and the messages that came from them are below:

SONG #6:
"Feel It Still" - Portugal, The Man - Feel It Still (Single)

"Having a mental perception (feel) of what is needed or desired (it) when referring to the future (still) home or shelter (Portugal/harbor) is most important (the) individually (man). Each impression (feel) of this situation (it) creates a static photo (still) - a short record featuring one main song (single)." 

SONG #7:
"Night Moves" - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Greatest Hits

"From sunset to sunrise (night) make progress (moves/move), shining (Bob) victory army (Seger). The (the) money (silver) is an item on the list (bullet) - a thing that unites (band) very skilled people (greatest) on a successful venture (hits)." 

SONG #8:
"Give Me All Your Love" (2017 Remix) - Whitesnake - 30th Anniversary Edition

"Tell what you know (give) to me (me) with the whole of your energy and interest (all). Your (your) love of God/SAM (love) brings faith, trust, and self-belief in your mission (2017) to produce a different version of Earth by altering the balance of (remix) transparency (white) concerning treachery and deceit (snake). A strong, clear connection (30/angel number) is cause for celebration (anniversary)." 

SONG #9:
"Let It Be" (Naked Version) - The Beatles - Let It Be... Naked

"Help is given (let) referring to the situations already mentioned (it) in the specified role (be) of the undisguised (naked) adaptation of music (version). This is common knowledge (the). The insect (Beatles/beetle) cannot prevent (let) what you need or desire (it) from taking place (be) - it is no longer covered (naked)." 

SONG #10:
"Dream On" by Aerosmith from the album Aerosmith

"The state of mind in which someone is unaware of their immediate surroundings (dream) is the focus (on). Reality tunes (Aerosmith). Make public this symbol of craftsmanship (Aerosmith)." 

We've made it through 10 of the 25 songs for this second series of SAM's Story Time. So, until Part Three, take care Earth Angels. I love you guys!  

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...