Friday, June 15, 2018

SAM's Story Time - Part 3 of 5 - Episode 21

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.

To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE 
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 1 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 2 of 5, CLICK HERE

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. Today, we are working with songs 11 through 15 in Part Three of SAM's Story Time. To those who are just coming in to this blog series, I've put the links to the previous two blogs above. If you haven't done so already, you might want to read those blog posts first, so you'll know what's going on in this one. So, here we go...

So many of the songs that the Earth Angels receive from SAM on random shuffle or by using the seek feature on the radio speak of SAM's love for us, talk about how much HE misses us, and what life was like when we were together with HIM. Now and then, the Earth Angels might get a song that seems rather negative in nature but, even those have tremendous messages within them, perhaps about the truth of 3D life which is something, since we have awakened, that is ever so difficult to bear. Sometimes, these reminders about the 3D world are just what the Earth Angels need to make our faith in SAM even more powerful. SAM knows what each one of us needs at every given moment.

Through these songs, it is ever so obvious that bringing the Earth Angels back home is, at all times, first and foremost in SAM's mind. We can only imagine the millions of other areas that SAM must juggle on any given day to make sure that HE is answering all of our questions, sending the physical reality confirmations we ask for and lining up the synchronicities that we can't possibly ignore. All in the name of love.

SAM also knows that "time is of the essence". If things take too long, SAM knows that there is a possibility that some Earth Angels will "lose faith" and fall back under the "spell" of the parasite. This is why HE encourages us to continually listen to the music and to unify, so that HIS messages of love remain fresh and so that we can be supportive with one another. This is also why SAM has been sharing certain plans with the Earth Angels because it lets us know that things are moving forward which makes us push ourselves even harder to understand, as fully as possible, the messages and signs we receive.

In song number 11 (the number of faith, by the way), SAM is telling us that there will be a "divine omen" which will be the signal for the Earth Angels that will bring us home to HIM. I believe that this "divine omen" is still under construction, so to speak, as the message does not tell us "when" it will take place and, if I am interpreting the message correctly, SAM has not decided yet about how big this "divine omen" will be. OR HE could be telling us that the size of what is seen will be completely based on individual perception. Though it is our nature to wonder about these details, it needs to be enough right now for the Earth Angels to know that SAM is working on it because we are, as stated before, ALWAYS first and foremost in HIS mind.

This next part of SAM's Story Time is going to be a little different. The reason for this is that the last line in the decoding of song #12 said, "This is a sensitive issue that needs to be kept on the down-low." To me, this means, that the Earth Angels should not discuss it with one another or "speak it out loud" as yet, maybe to make sure that the parasite does not get wind of it and try to ruin SAM's plan. So, in respecting SAM's wish on this, I'm going to share SAM's plan with you in a bit of a different way.

While you're reading this, I ask that you try to envision or imagine the images I'm sharing. If you are a part of the Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect facebook group, you may have seen a video of a five acre piece of land that Nathan Sanders posted. If so, envision or picture in your mind what the entrance to that wooded acreage would be like. If you did not see the video, then just picture yourself getting ready to turn onto a secluded dirt road that is flanked on each side by beautiful forest land.

Now, picture or envision a man blocking your way into this wooded area. He is the righteous guardian of this land and has been appointed his station by SAM himself. Imagine what this man would be wearing and what he looks like. When he walks up to your car, his protective demeanor changes right away as he recognizes you as an awakened Earth Angel. He says nothing, but steps back from your car and bows to you while extending his arm to give you entrance. You thank him, put your car in gear and creep slowly forward on the dirt path. When you look back in your rearview mirror, he has disappeared as if by magic.

The smell of the air is amazing - fresh and scented with flowers that you cannot identify. You continue driving, admiring the forest land on either side of you and wonder how far you will have to go before you reach your destination. Moments after thinking this, you round a gentle bend in the road. Your foot, seeming to have a mind of its own, presses on the brake and you automatically put your car in park. Through the windshield you see a gorgeous landscape - green and lush. There is a huge building painted in tasteful rainbow-like colors, each complimenting the architecture of the building. You see a large pond in front of the building, not too far from the entrance and you can see the golden sparkle of koi fish within it. You, suddenly, get an overwhelming feeling of "belonging" here - a knowing that you will be accepted and loved here and you will welcome and accept other Earth Angels in the same way. That's it for this for now, but don't forget what you have seen.

The first line decoded from this song message is SAM asking us to remember HIM because, when we do remember what life was like with HIM, there will be absolutely no doubt in our minds that we can trust whatever it is HE is saying or sharing with us. This trust and belief seems to be imperative for SAM to bring forth what the Earth Angels need before we move on to the next level of our existence with HIM. Think of it kind of like the Natural Law of Attraction. If we doubt what SAM is promising, then it is more difficult for HIM to manifest what we need, but if we allow ourselves to trust SAM completely, we can help HIM by envisioning whatever image HE has given us, so that HE can bring it forth much more quickly.

Though it shouldn't be a surprise (yet it's still quite mind blowing), I have no doubt that SAM has been following the conversations on the Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect facebook pages concerning the lottery. HE knows that the Earth Angels are wondering if "the lottery" is a metaphor for something, a spiritual lottery, or a real financial wind fall. From the decoding of this song, I believe that SAM is purposely being vague because HE wants us to, again, become accustomed to trusting that HE will provide as HE has promised. SAM has shared part of HIS plan with us in this song and, I believe, through this sharing that HE wants us to use the Natural Law of Attraction as mentioned previously to imagine the plan. It won't matter if each of us has a bit of a different image in our minds for this. It only matters that the Earth Angels are all "envisioning something" that is in line with SAM's plan. This will ensure that the ball gets rolling and gains momentum.

At the end of this Story Time, I will give the decodings of these songs as I have in the previous two blogs. After reading it, you can decide to continue using the imagery that was created in this video or create it in your own way. Whatever you choose to do, think about it often and create that mental image, so that we can help SAM bring it to fruition fast.

From the messages that Nathan Sanders has received from SAM, I believe that the intention has always been to bring the Earth Angels together in one place or, at the very least, offer Earth Angels a sanctuary at certain times, if need be. Though the Earth Angels are more than capable of working on the Twelve Step Angel Recovery Program wherever we are, sometimes it's just nice to have a "community" to be a part of that allows us to talk to one another and share our discoveries face-to-face. This would also make it easier for the Earth Angels who are just starting to get to know SAM to be less tempted to stray back into 3D. Even if this seems impossible due to our 3D commitments or financial hardships, don't rule out the possibility of visiting or living at the place you just imagined yet. Since we have another six years here, anything can happen, right? SAM is promising us a "perfect place of happiness in 4D" and one that does not cost the Earth Angels anything and also one that does not require regular payments. SAM is telling us that HE knows how to play the parasite's game and can navigate around these kinds of demands. SAM made a promise to the Earth Angels and HE plans to fulfill this promise "as a result of what has happened recently". Truly, I am not sure what SAM is referring to here that has happened recently. Might HE be referring to the 144 million dollar lottery? SAM doesn't give any details on this in this song message, so maybe there is an Earth Angel listening who knows what this is about. 

SAM shared in the previous song message that HE knows the parasite's game and is able to navigate around what is necessary to communicate and share with the Earth Angels - both awake and asleep. In song #14, SAM actually gave two messages. In the first message, SAM stated that there is a large number of people who have misinterpreted the words and actions of the characters in the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). I believe SAM is saying that these misinterpretations are the work of the parasite and that the parasite has spread the wrong message far and wide.

According to the second part of this message, it appears that SAM plans to remedy these misinterpretations and do it in a BIG way. SAM says HE is going to make many changes in these first five books, many of which may be about the creation story. Obviously, there have already been changes made to the Bible as most of us know through viewing videos about the Mandela Effect, but since SAM brought this out specifically in these messages, it is something I believe HE wants us to start paying attention to.

In a previous portion of this video, we spent time envisioning a place where the Earth Angels could commune in 4D. This may be the place that SAM is referring to in this song message OR the place HE is referring to is the Synchronicity, Mysticism and Mandela Effect facebook page. Maybe it's both. Wherever it is, SAM's message is to perceive of the idea to work on a book series that is based on unity and faith and to harvest it at the appropriate time.

SAM knows that there are many Earth Angels in the facebook group who are working on decoding the messages that SAM is sending to us and HE knows that each Earth Angel has their own special way of decoding. Perhaps, what SAM is suggesting is that a specific message or set of messages be chosen for discussion and that the information received from the participating Earth Angels be placed in to a book series which, since the majority of the messages are about unity with SAM and each other and faith and love in SAM, this might be another way to bring more Earth Angels on board the consciousness ark.

Another thought is that since every Earth Angel has their own story with SAM that each of us chronicle our own journey. Then, each story would be a book in the series.

There wasn't a lot revealed to us as to how to go about SAM's thoughts on this but, perhaps, HE will give more information about this somewhere in the last 10 songs. One thing we know for certain is that the series would be able to continue indefinitely as SAM says as the material that SAM gives us will continue as long as the Earth Angels continue communicating with SAM, both personally and together. 

So, here are the songs and the messages that came from them...

SONG #11: The Monster - Eminem (Featuring Rihanna) - The Marshall Mathers LP 2

"The (the) divine omen (monster), the size (m) of (&) that by which anything is measured (m) will be performed (featuring), dear beloved royals (Rhianna/sweet basil), to place in order (Marshall) and take care of (Mathers/moethere) the long playing (LP) separation from SAM (Biblical Code No. 2)."

SONG #12: Remember Me (My Friend) - The Moody Blues - Justin Hayward, John Lodge Blue Jays

"Bring to your mind's awareness that you have seen and know (remember) me (me). My (my) support of this cause, financially, is (friend) the (the) mystery (moody) - a minor interval where a major is expected (blues). A righteous (Justin) guardian responsible for protecting land or enclosed forest from damage by animals, poachers or vandals (Hayward) God/SAM gives graciously (John) as a gatekeeper on the grounds of a large house or hotel (lodge). This is a sensitive issue that needs to be kept on the down-low (double blue jay)."

SONG #13 - Elysium/Honor Him/Now We Are Free - Yvonne S. Moriarty - Gladiator

"A place of perfect happiness (Elysium) will fulfill an agreement (honor) to you (him) as a result of what has happened recently (now). The royal 'we' (we) will occupy a vacant piece of ground (are), without cost or payment (free), in 4D (Yvonne/iv). This is in God's/SAM's perfect order in regard to his judgment (S/19) as the navigator (Moriarty) and fighter in the public games (gladiator)."

SONG #14 - Misunderstanding - Genesis - Duke

"The failure to interpret or understand the words or actions of (misunderstanding) the first five books of the Bible which tells, among other things, of the creation of the world (Genesis) exists in large numbers (duke/*deuk-/teem)."

"Changes (mis) among (understand) the first five books of the Bible which tells, among other things, of the creation of the world (Genesis) will be prolific (duke/*/deuk-/teem)."

SONG #15 - Paradise - Anesthesia - An Infinite Winter, Vols. I & II

"An ideal place (paradise) to perceive (anesthesia) a series able to be continued indefinitely (infinite) harvesting at the appropriate time (winter/season). A book forming part of a series (volume) on unity (I) and faith (II)."

So, that's it for Part 3 of SAM's Story Time. Take care. Love you guys!   

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