Sunday, June 17, 2018

SAM's Story Time - Part 4 of 5 - Episode 22

This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read my first blog post before continuing on with this one. If you don't know who SAM is, then this article will not make sense to you.
To view the video for this blog post, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 1 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 2 of 5, CLICK HERE
To read SAM's Story Time - Part 3 of 5, CLICK HERE 

Hello, Earth Angels. Welcome to Tuesday's Gone. Today, we are working with songs 16 through 20 in Part Four of SAM's Story Time. To those who are just coming in to this blog series, I've put the links to the previous three blogs above. If you haven't done so already, you might want to read those blog posts first, so you'll know what's going on in this one. So, here we go...

As many Earth Angels may have heard through following the Quantum Healing (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) practitioners, a good number of their clients higher selves have come through while the clients have been in a state of hypnosis, and their higher selves have been talking about "the event". Though these practitioners come from all over the world and their clients have never met one another, many of their sessions are quite similar to each other when they are speaking of "the event". This event has been described as a kind of energy wave that will flow around the Earth, saturating everyone and everything in its path. This "energy wave", from what I understand from these practitioners, is for the purpose of raising our frequencies and healing us, so that we might enter 5D.

When SAM mentions "an event" in this song message, HE states that "when it takes place, any particular experience related to the heart, through God/SAM's grace, will create intuitive understanding belonging to your spirit." Whether or not, SAM is talking about "the energy wave" as brought forth by the clients of the QHHT and BQH practitioners, is not clear. What is clear is that the "event" that SAM is referring to will heal our hearts, finally giving us an understanding of all that we have been through in this 3D experience. Now, whether this "event" will happen to everyone or just those Earth Angels who are awake is also unclear.

Notice that SAM mentions only the heart here. My belief on this is that since our hearts are the center of our being, once the heart is healed, everything else about us is also healed - spirit, mind, and body. It is at this time that we can truly come face-to-face with SAM because our hearts have been purged of everything that is not pure.

As Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism and the Mandela Effect shared, SAM writes the songs. This came from the song "I Write the Songs" by Barry Manilow and if you haven't listened to this song or seen the lyrics, you might consider doing so. SAM couldn't be any more clear about who HE is and what listening to the music can do for you. 

This message is confirmed in song #17 where SAM begins the message with "I composed musical works..." When SAM says HE composed, this goes back to a few of the other song messages in this series where SAM tells us that HE inspired songwriters and musicians in the 3D world to create the songs and music that would raise our frequencies. A kind of start to cleansing our hearts, you might say. I don't know about you, but I get a vision of SAM sitting down, at a certain time every day, at a very simple roll top type desk writing out his feelings on parchment paper with a quill pen and ink - the next song to share with an inspired song writer or musician.

SAM goes on to say, in this song message, that HE got the ball rolling with the music to bring love back into our hearts, allowing the music to bring the Earth Angels together and, eventually enabling us to, collectively, go forth in right ascension. Now, "right ascension" is an astronomy term that astronomers use to define coordinates in the sky and if you'd like to explore it, you can just put "right ascension" in to your preferred search engine. For the purposes of SAM's messages, though, I believe HE is just telling us that it is our "right to ascend", but we must WANT to do so. Listening to the music and establishing a relationship with SAM is the start of remembering our previous time with SAM and joining together with one another in this purification process. 

In continuing HIS explanation, SAM shares with us in song #18 that as we listen to the music and our hearts open up to HIS love, we are transformed, each individually, at a chosen time. I take this to mean that the Earth Angels are approached or are guided to specific things as often as necessary until we finally "get it". Of course, with free will, this is probably quite a challenge. However, once we "get it", the transformation takes place and we become "crossover performers". I believe, this means that each of us will finally understand why we have learned, done, and gone through all the things that we have in this 3D lifetime and, with that understanding, we will know that everything we've experienced has given us specific skills that will allow us to help other Earth Angels understand who SAM is and what HE is all about.

Being from all walks of life, the Earth Angels that have awakened, can reach many, many people using our different skill sets. SAM wants the Earth Angels to "become a fully established vital force". This means bringing as many Earth Angels on board the consciousness ark as possible. Remembering, of course, that each Earth Angel can only do what they can do, so the "crossover performer" description is SAM's way of letting us know that our skills overlap and that, sometimes, if we are having difficulty reaching a "sleeping" Earth Angel, it may take more than one Earth Angel skill set to awaken that individual.  Working together in this way makes the Earth Angels a "vital force" for SAM.

From the message in song #19, it sounds like each Earth Angel goes through steps. Perhaps these are the 12 steps of the Earth Angel Recovery Program that Nathan Sanders from Synchronicity, Mysticism, and the Mandela Effect has put together as per SAM's instructions through song messages. Though we are currently in 4D, we still must work and interact with the 3D world and we all know how convincing the parasite can be at times. Once we reach a specific state or, reach a certain "step", then we will "at all times" recognize the evil acts being played out. There will be no question about what is true and what is not true. Until that step is reached, the Earth Angels might occasionally encounter something that we just aren't sure whether to believe or not to believe. SAM encourages us, in this song message, to ask for confirmation if we don't understand something and that the Earth Angels who ask "will be attended to in a specific way with original material". In other words, SAM will send us song messages or specific signs or synchronicities that we will recognize as belonging to the issue in question. SAM is offering us a way to determine truth - all the Earth Angels have to do is ask for a confirmation.

SAM also encourages us in this song message to work at reaching this level of knowing, so that we can leave the evil behind and shine like a beacon to others. Perhaps, this is about the rainbow aura... though the sleeping Earth Angels won't be able to see it, there will be something about each awakened Earth Angel that will make us irresistible. Others will be drawn to us, at which time, we can share SAM with them. I believe that it is important for us not to have any specific expectation when these encounters happen. The Earth Angels are to use their own specific skill sets and, then, let SAM do HIS magic.

The last message from SAM in Part Four of SAM's Story Time is a special one. SAM wants us to be able to enjoy time with HIM through the music and in whatever other ways that each Earth Angel, individually and together, connect with HIM. So, SAM has completed whatever HE needed to complete to make sure that there is "nothing that the Earth Angels should be concerned about". Since SAM has shared with us in other song messages that HE will provide for our needs, I believe SAM is saying that we should do our work for HIM and have our "play time" with HIM and not worry about anything else. Of course, I don't believe this means that you should quit your job or sell your home or anything of this nature that might come to mind unless you feel this is a direct message from SAM to do so. What the Earth Angels do when they work and interact in the 3D world is come in contact with "sleeping" Earth Angels, so it is important to continue doing whatever it is you do. Now, though, SAM is saying that it isn't necessary to worry about losing your job or where the next meal might come from or whether or not you'll be able to pay your mortgage. SAM wants us to relax our hold on 3D thinking and realize that HE will make sure that we are okay. Keep in mind, though, what you want may not be what you are meant to have, so trust SAM if something happens that does not seem as though it is in your best interest. Remember, when a door closes, another one opens, but it's all in "divine" timing. 

Here are the songs and the messages that came from them:

SONG #16: In a Sentimental Mood - John Coltrane - The Feeling of Jazz

"An event will take place during which (in) any (a) personal experience (sentiment) related to (al) the heart (mood), through God/SAM's grace (John), will create (Coltrane/compose) intuitive understanding (feeling) belonging to (of) your spirit (jazz)."

SONG #17: I Wrote in Blood - Still Corners - Creatures of an Hour

"I (I) composed musical works (wrote/write) during this period (in) to cause a process or action to begin (blood), and continue (still), to bring you together (corners) and bring you forth (creature) collectively (of) to right ascension (hour)."

SONG #18: Love Changes Everything - Sarah Brightman - As I Came of Age

"The love of God/SAM (love) transforms (changes/change) each of you (every) at a determined time (thing) into crossover performers (Sarah Brightman). This happens at this time (as) for you (I) to become fully established as a vital force (came/come of age)."

Song #19: You Can't Always Get What You Want - The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed

"You (I) will recognize (can) the evil acts (not/naught) at all times (always) once you reach a specific state (get). Asking for confirmation of something not understood (what), you (you) are attended to in a specific way (want) with original material (the rolling stones). Leave behind (let) the evil (it) and shine (bleed/*bhel-)."

Song #20: My Prerogative - Bobby Brown - Don't Be Cruel

"Your (my) special right granted by me (prerogative), shining children (Bobby Brown), is complete (do). Nothing (not) exists (be) that you should feel concerned about (cruel)."

That's it for Part Four of SAM's Story Time. We've made it 20 out of 20. I'll be back with the next blog in a day or two. Until then, take care and I love you everybody!      

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This article and ALL articles on this blog have to do with deciphering song messages from SAM. If you haven't met SAM yet, please read...